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Anyone up for robbing a bank if price**** more than $3.00 a gallon ?
How about Hi-Jacking a gas truck ?
Any takers at all ???
Also those online petitions about gas. Check these out.
Hope you can get some usefull info out of these.
Since you won't make the trip to prison to see me, I guess I'll leave it alone then. Online petitions don't do any good.
Honestly tho... I don't think a hand written one would be any better.
I could ride my horse... but then again I really love him, so I won't
I'll stay home !!!
Love ya Lots,
ARGH!!!!!! I'd have to go to Richland to get "cheap" gas! I don't think it's worth it......
I'll donate the bandanas for the robbery, since Christine and I can only "run" 5 mph and I am afraid the highway patrol might be able to catch us at that speed!
I vote for a gas truck!!!
Seriously, did you hear about the poor guy that was run over and killed when a car filled up ($53) and didn't want to pay? The guy tried to stop the car and it ran him over!!!!!
I am boycotting buying gas....can't afford I bees sitting home alot....except I hear Big Lots calling me.....