Short n Sassy 247-Pass the ketchup, I've got to eat my words!!!!!!!
Boy-o-boy did I ever mess up.
At church I told a friend that I was going to have a gastric bypass. I thought she would be encouraging!!!! Well honey, she immediately broke into tears
and said "Oh no, don't do it"
I think everyone in the church heard her. I had to talk to her telling her how I had researched the surgery and the doc and hospital. Plus I had put in a lot of prayer time about it , I was convinced that the Lord was in it as everything had flowed so easily and I was scheduled for Sept 6th. She calmed down when I explained that the procedure was not what they had done before and that I would be watched by the doc and had scheduled follow up and lab work. Whew!!!!!!!!!!!
I am convinced that the surgery is in the Lord's plans for me. I am not afraid of it and will continue as planned. I felt so bad about upsetting her.
Any way, pass the ketchup!!! Chomp, chomp, chomp!
That's why I don't tell people. I tell those that I know will support me & not question me. I don't want to explain my reasons to anyone.
I'm glad that your friend was OK with everything tho. That means a lot.
I have done major praying & thinking about this. I feel that this is right for me. I just don't want other people trying to make me second guess myself or my feeling that God had this planned out for me all along.
Now, pass the mustard to me....
Lots of Love & Huggs,
wow- lol i had meantioned the surgery over a yr and 1/2 ago to a family friend but they have forgotten by now and they freaked out on me 2. Thats why i have been wondering if i should tell or not. LOL! With school coming up maybe its best i keep it in the dark. I don't think i could deal w/the stress of that and Statistics and A&P 2. LOL!