I joined the Y yesterday at lunch and me and my buddy (who is a skinny minny and never had a weight prob) went to work out last night. First of all I am very proud of myself cause it has been about a month or so since I have done any exercise persay. lol lol I did three miles on the tredmil but let me tell you girls something. I tried the eliptical machine and it totally kicked my arse. lol lol I actually managed to do three min and 20 sec. (dont forget those 20 sec that is like an hour on this machine) lol lol I am going to TRY and I do mean TRY to do a full 4 min tonight so keep me in your prayers for that. hee hee. I can totally tell you how invigerating it is to start an exercise program back. I am very excited and hope I can keep it up. lol lol I have an appt monday to start the weight training so that is kinda exciting to. To anyone out there looking for a great place to work out the Y is it in my opinon. I had joined curves last year and I do like that place but it is out of the way for me and the Y i HAVE to pass by it to go home so it is way more convient. I always thought that the Y would be intimidating but it really isnt. Oh well hope everyone is doing good!
Love ya
I never knew a machine at a gym could work your ass that fast. I could only do 3 or 4 mins at first but now when we go sometimes I can do up to 20 but never more than that. Sucks though, cause I have to hang out and wait on Mrs. Exercise Queen (we all know who I am speaking of) to hurry up --she can do 45. I aspire to be there one day!
Next week, lets meet up at the Hattiesburg Y!!
OH girl,
That machine is the best. Or do I mean the worst. lol lol I aspire to be there 20 min like you one day. lol lol I am gonna try my best to make 4 min tonight. lol lol After I do my three miles on the tread mill. lol lol We will meet up next week. I am also going tongiht and friday night. I would love to go everynight next week. My buddy melissa goes everynight so that will be enspiring to me. lol lol She also wants to go on sundays. lol lol maybe I can become that addicted to go that much. lol lol Oh well see you in a bit at chesterfields.
Love ya