On my way to meet the doctor.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
Don't know what I'll do if he doesn't take me as a patient. It's more than straight surgery it's a revision as I had a hiatal hernia repair done. Please pray for me. It's 5:30 am and we are about to leave Milton,Florida to go to Biloxi.
Why am I so nervous? I've met and talked to surgeons before, I've worked for several. Had to call them in the middle of the night, had to listen to them complain(and worse) and remind them they're on call. I've been a nurse since 1966 LPN and RN, so I "taint scared". Guess it's because there is so much riding on his decision. I want today to be the begining of a new life for me. Maybe I expect to much.Oh well, put one foot in front of the other til you get there.
Hi Velna,
Have a safe trip to Biloxi and back, hope your talk to the doctor goes well and you get a positive response. It may be a few weeks or months before you can get surgery, at any rate, don't be discouraged , just take it one day at a time and you'll get to your goal, one way or the other.
Funny enough, we all have different approaches, different experiences and usually end up getting what we want, it just takes some of us longer.
I'm sure your surgeon has discussed the requirements for the surgery with you? Why would you think he won't take you as a patient?
Please let us know what happens, I'm curious to find out.
I'll wave at'cha when you're passing by on your way. I live about a mile off exit 57 before Biloxi, I will be thinking about you and praying for you today that things go your way!!
Good luck and God Bless.