Guess who I met?
I know we always meet someone and come back and rave on about how beautiful they are (everyone is)...but, tonight we met Joy, Sonya, Tina and Renee at the Hattiesburg Support Group meeting and they are all gorgeous. It was really nice to finally meet them and I am glad they were all able to come (even tho 2 were tardy!!)
Barry - Milton asked about you and I told him about your step fathers passing. Everyone is sending prayers your way.
Janice looks great -- doesnt look like the same person we met many months ago.
Crystal is about to whither away. She is tiny tiny...
Keli and her hubby were there... wonderful to see them again. Seems like its been forever. I am hoping you get your date soon, girl. Just one more step.
We talked to Ann Blackwell (the nutritionist) and are gonna get a group of us together for a meeting to talk about nutrition and where we should be on cals and other things for those of us who want to talk to her. I am gonna email her 2morrow and get the ball rolling on that with her.
We talked about the site so maybe we can get a few more straglers to come join us.
Denise was NOT there and I am very disappointed. Where were ya at, hooch??
Everyone seems to be doing well. I like the new meeting place. It was cozy.
**Gotta tell yall what happened to me and Melissa... We went to eat dinner before the meeting at a diner in Petal. We had just sat down and ordered our food and this old man came walking in and his dern pants fell to the FLOOR almost immediatly as he walked in. I bursted into laughter (mean i know) --Melissa couldnt control herself either and started to laugh as this man was pulling up his pants. When she giggles I cant help but laugh more. We were both digging in our purses searching for whatever we could to make us quit laughing. He sat down at the table beside us and she and I could not get our laughter under control. We were sweating and our mascara was running from laughing so hard at this poor man. I had to excuse myself from the table to get some air and try to compose myself. Even into our meal when we were over it a small giggle would come out that we just couldnt keep in any longer - Melissa said "we have seen it all".. and we really had. That was our excitement for the night. I guess ya just had to be there. Its a good thing we didnt have drinks in our mouths cause we would have gotten the place wet with our spewing of the water! Slap my hand now...
Love ya all..
I met them too. I met them too. I actually already knew and had met Tina and Renee. But it was good seeing them again. You can tell Renee has lost weight already.
Joy and Sonya remind me of you and me, Christine. Sonya is you and Joy is me. Laurel better look out. They are both gorgeous already inside and out. They really will be two knockouts in a couple months.
We missed your smiling face and wonderful attitude Barry. Everyone expressed their sympathy over your loss. Denise we missed you too and everyone who was missing.
Keli is well on her way to getting a date. She will be joining us soon on the losing side. Go Keli.
Can't wait until our luncheon on Thursday where we can chat some more. You are going to come kidnap me if necessary if those corporate people are still hanging out, right Christine?
The man losing his pants in the diner was the highlight of the evening. I have not lauged so hard since we misbehaved last support meeting. That feels good to laugh like that. We should find a reason to laugh like that everyday even if it is at someone else's expense LOL. Just kidding.
Love ya, hooch,
You are just so pretty. Your picture on here does you no justice. At dinner Melissa and I talked about how good you were doing and what a success at this you were gonna be. It was such a pleasure to finally meet you. You are an inspiration for me -- all the newbies are but esp you because of all you have done so far so early out.
You beez awesome and you and Joy are a perfect team...
You guys are a hoot!!
From the way you guys look, no one would ever know you had a weight problem. I think it is WONDERFUL that you don't forget from "whence you came" and not think about the "little people" (or I guess that would be big people
You guys are and have been a BIG encouragement to everybody and I want you to know how much it is appreciated!
Thanks again!
Well, I beez jealous and all I gots to say is all you lovely ladies best be there Thursday or ELSE
! I gots to meet you too.
Shame, shame, shame, Christine and Missy Lissy........However, I would've laughed out loud especially if he was one of those low riding pants wearers....Did I EVER say I wanted to see anybody else's underwear??? nope, I didn't.....
Hey girls,
I am so sorry I missed it last night. I was so not myself yesterday. I was having a HUGE pity party but feel much better today. lol lol I even got good news yesterday and then got mad about it. lol lol Does that tell you anything about where my hormones are? lol lol My dh, who was suppose to start working away from home again, came home last night with the news that he was NOT going to have to be away from home. That truly is wonderful news, but I was in such a mood i was mean to him about it. I later apologized, he knows what I am going through right now without me not even telling him. He knows that I am suppose to start friday and that I am on edge. Bless his heart he does what he can with me. God has truly blessed me with a good man. I prayed last night that if I cant be pg I just want the want to be pg to go away. I am sick and tired of feeling like this. I want to enjoy the new me and not be bothered with all this other crap. So I need the need to go away you know. Thanks for all your support and I will see you guys for sure Thursday!
Love ya
hey girls i enjoyed last nights meeting so much everyone is getting so small before u know it people will be confused when they see us together they wont know we all used to be overweight.although i will always be big in my mind i think but i think thats a good thing....keeps me in so glad that the support group is getting bigger. i think we have a good mix of newbies and oldies.i think we should make a cookbook of tried and true recipes and give them out to new people at the meeting im sure dr whitehead would support it.i would be glad to type it up and we could take it somewhere to have it bound i doubt it would be too pricey and maybe hattiesburg clinic or dr whitehead would contribute since it would be given to all of his patients. who knows. anyway.
denise im so sorry that u are having to go through this ad i cant give any owrds of wisdom bc i havent had to deal with this but my mother did. it took her 15 years to have me and that was after she had given up all hope and adopted 2 children before me. i dont mean to be offensive in any way by saying this but maybe the lord wants u and ur husband to share u love and want to have children with a child that u can adopt maybe u are some childs saving grace and then maybe after u have given ur love to this other child u will get ur own. u just never know what the Lord has in store for us. i know my brother and sister say they are so thankful that my parents adopted them and we are a family and i know my mom loves them just as much as she loves me and i love them as if they were my blood to me there is no difference and they weird thing is that my sister and i look just alike. people always said they could tell we were sisters and our baby pics looked just alike so we know it was meant to be only the Lord could work something out like that. im not saying this is what need to do and im sure u desire to carry a baby in ur own womb as most women do, but just pray and keep ur heart open to all the options as im sure that u are. ill be praying for u.
love u,
I dont take offense to what you said. But...... belive you me after trying for over 9 years me and my husband have discussed and researched ALL of our options. We actually went through dhs adoption classes. Adoption is VERY VERY expensive. And since I know have a $22,000 surgery to pay off that is NOT an option for us right now. Also I have searched my feelings over adoption and although I think it is a WONDERFUL thing and would do it in a heartbeat if #1 we had the money, #2 it was easier to do & #3 if you could to it quickly. I know call me impatient, but it baffels me how celebrities can adopt a baby and a new born one at that in just a few weeks yet it takes us normal people years and years. dhs waiting list for a baby and we are talking older than a year not a new born is 7 years at least! they almost NEVER get newborns. Now open adoption you can get a new born but these adoptions start and i do mean START T $30,000 and that does not include paying for the mothers health care which you have to do, the lawyers fees and your travel expensies. Not to mention open adoption is just like it sounds you HAVE to have contact with the mother and for at least 5 years of the childs life send pictures except phone calls and send updates on YOUR child. Me personallly I dont believe in that. I think she gave this child up it is now MINE not hers so she should have no contact. as I said this is just the way I feel. Now on to over sears or internationally adoption that starts at $50,000. Which does not include lawyers fees, travel ( you pretty much have to stay in that country for at least 1-3 months during the adoption process), and the unknowns fees that the country springs on you. Also from time the baby is born until the last t is crossed on the adoption papers you are more than likely looking at 12-13 months. Like I said if it were easier, or hell if we just had the money I would love to do any of this minus the open adoption. but I just truly dont think this is an option for us. we have also looked into invetro which would cost around $30,000 and mind you you are NOT guaranteed you will get pg and you are just **** out of luck on the money if you dont get pg. I know I have been whinning alot lately and maybe I shouldnt if I am going to not take chances like adoption or invetro but getting pg or adopting a baby is just not that easy. I cant tell you how many times people have told me oh just adopt a baby and then you will get pg. Do you know the odds of this? like a billion to one. It is funny how people always here of this but if you really researched how often this happend you would be surprised. I do appreciate the support i get here and I hope I dont offend anyone. Maybe I should keep most of my pg challenges to myself.
Now onto a different subject. I hope you are feeling better since your surgery. I know that having that bad ole galbladder out will make you feel so much better. Hope to see you soon.