They are wanting Fredricka to use the brand spanking new doc at UMC which she has not met so she is terribly uncomfortable with that idea - I think tho she was told that he had been doing this for about 5 years already.....Plus now they are coming up with all these costs that she was unaware the last night. Keep her in your prayers.
see ya Thursday and I will have Fredricka in tow so you can ask away!
As you know, Medicare will pay for surgery, but Mississippi Medicaid will not. Medicare is a federal program and Medicaid is a state program. Some states do pay for Bariatric Surgery through their Medicaid programs. Unfortunately, Mississippi is one of the largest states per person and our own carriers will not pay for Bariatric Surgery (to include Mississippi Blue Cross Blue Shield). The best way to change this thought and this process is to contact your member of state legistature (your state senator and state representatives). Even if you have had surgery, it's good to contact them. The more, the better chance of changing.