Hiya Donna! I am scheduled to have surgery August 30th by Dr. Cleveland. I first attended a seminar around July 2004, but I didn't actually go in for a consultation until the beginning of the next year, reason being...I smoked. I made up my mind in March 2005 that this surgery was more important than smoking. So once that was over with I went in to see Dr. Cleveland for my very first visit (April 2005). Please don't quote me on every word, bc it has been awhile since my first visit, but I'm going to give it my best shot, lol. I turned in the paperwork I was given to fill out about my health history along with other documents I had to sign. I was greeted by Sandra, weighed, and all that good stuff. Then I was seen by Cindy Neal, the Nurse Practioner, *****viewed back through my health history to just make sure everything was up to date, and correct. All this info helps her, and any of the other staff determine which tests you need, or special tests because of an illness or surgery in the past. Then I sat and talked to Adam Dungey, who is an RN and also the Bariatric Coordinator, about a few questions I had. I was told within weeks I would recieve a letter to me with a list of things I was reponsible for and a letter to my primary care physician. My PCP saw to my blood work, EKG's, referral to a cardiologist (because I used to smoke), and a few other tests. I also had to see a Psychologist for a psych. evaluation, which people tend to worry about, but there really isn't anything to it. Just go in, and be yourself. To me they seemed to just want to make sure I was sane, not aneroxic, or bulimic, etc. and that this was a life-changing surgery with risks involved. Every Psychologist is different also, but that was my experience. I believe you are also asked to call the finance department of the hospital, but I ended up not having to. I think that is about all I had to do, I keep feeling like I am leaving something out, and if I think of anything else I will add it later. Ok so once I was done with my part and my PCP had gathered up and sent all of my test results in to Dr. Cleveland's staff, my folder was put in a stack for Dr. Cleveland to review when he had a chance. I then got a phonecall from Jeanie, she is a wonderful and very supportive nurse, who said that the Dr. had reviewed everything and that I could come see him on August 4th. I immediatly jumped into the support groups at Central MS, they are helpful, and everyone is so nice. So on August 4th, I went in and my mother and I got to watch another seminar that had been videotaped, which was good, always good to hear this stuff over and over. Jeanie then gave me and another woman who was there that day our surgery dates. I was in total shock when that piece of paper said AUGUST 30TH, 2005!!! Not a bad shock, a good shock, hehe. Jeanie went over things with us that were neccessary before surgery, such as having an EDG (Endoscopy) done, about calling to set up our Pre-Admission date, about vitamins, and about the first week before surgery, which consists of starting the protein shakes, and drinking phospha soda the day before surgery.
I was then seen by the surgeon who talked with me, asked me if I understood the procedure, answered any questions I had (he even drew me a small picture of exactly what he does), and he made me feel at ease. I was then dismissed for lunch and told to come back in 30 minutes for the nutrition class with Sandi Herring. She is a very nice woman. She talked with us very thoroughly about what we can and cannot eat and gave us our "bible" with our eating instructions in it. It iws very, very helpful in deciding what to buy to prepare for the surgery. I went yesterday for the EGD, and all I have left now is to go to Pre-Admissions a week before surgery (August 22nd), and start my shakes and then the big day is right around the corner. I hope this helped you some. I am sure every case is different, but now maybe you have an idea of what to expect. I wish you the best of luck and please write if you have any questions. Have a great day and please let me know how everything goes. Buh Bye!!!
P.S. Donna, I didn't read your profile until after I responded. I am so sorry that I went into detail about everything up to the pre-op date. For some reason I was thinking you were asking about the first consultation, and what was expected to happen from there. It is like 3am though, can I be overlooked this one time for being a goober? lol So sorry again. Good luck with everything!