Update on my dad
Hi everyone, thanks again for all your prayers.
Looks like my dad's cancer has been staged at 3b (1-4 is the stages). He will be going in for his PET scan on the 10th, and the follow up visit on the 16th, so he will find out more. The PET scan will show if it has spread further. The doc didn't say anything about chemo, but my dad will go on interferon for 1 year. That stuff has some nasty side effects, including suicide and suicidal ideations... Doc says my dads prgnosis is slightly better than 50/50 to be disease free (and alive) in 5 years
While it isn't "bad" news, it isn't as positive as I hoped for... but I know dad has the best doctor on his side, one that works miracles
Say a little prayer every now and then for us. Thanks so much...
Oh, and as long as we hear more positive news on the 16th, my mom is still coming down, but not until the endish of Sept, so when I speak with Lisa, that is probably when I will set my surgery up for
Thanks Ladies, I really appreciate all the prayers!!
It is good that he has better than a 50% chance of being disease free in 5 years! I am very thankful that it was as positive as that. My SIL had a PET scan and her lungs and colon lit up, but the biopsis all came back negative so don't get upset if he glows from end to end.....It still may not be that bad. I will continue to think and pray for you. Hang in there! I will pray esp that things work out so that your Mom can be with you for surgery.
I just want you to know that I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I cant imagine what it is like to go through something like this. You hold onto your faith girl. God will get you and your family through this. YOu know you have all your brothers and sisters here if you need anything!
Love ya
Hi Denise,
I am holding!!! It is taking alot of my strength right now, but I am holding!!! It is more difficult because I am so far away, and can't be there to help right now. It is killing me. God is leading my path though, and I know if I am needed, really NEEDED at home, that He will provide a way for that. I trust that!!
Thanks for your words and prayers!
Yes 50% is good.... I must admit I was selfish and wished for a much higher number. I know dad is in God's hands, and God's Will will shine through in all of this!
I really hope nothing lights up... That is what terrifies me. I think that is why the doc was hesitant on telling what stage the cancer is, because he can't be sure until he gets the all clear from the PET scan. He will find out the results on the 16th.
Thanks for the prayers. I really appreciate them!!!