My Point about support groups
Face it Christine,
Anytime I say something people want to hollar....
She's a ***** liar, bully, mean, ugly, nasty, trouble maker or whatever.
I'm OK with that because I'm true to myself. I don't live in La-La Land like most people. I see things for what they are. And I tell it like it is.
Anyone with eyes could see that I was trying to smooth things over with Amy in my reply-post to hers this morning. Then here she came out of the blue trying to start **** with me. And I'm not gonna take it. Not from her, her hubby, or anyone else. If Amy or anyone else wants to leave, they know how to get off this site. I'm not leaving.
Anyone on this site who is friends with me knows that I will be there with them through thick & thin. Even if I feel they are in the wrong, I'm there for them. That is what friends do.
Having said that, all I can say is that a few people have lost out on having great supportive friends in their corner. OH WELL....
If they are going... Just should just leave.
I'm sorry....
But Amy started this crap when she posted that
smart a** "practice" comment.
I love you too & this site. I'm not leaving.
So if anyone has a problem with my being here,
they need to pack their bags & head out the door.
And don't let the door knob hit them in the a** when they go.
Sara have you went & read all the post ?
Not just this one. The others of where this blow up came from.
As far as me being a bully. I'm not going to sit by & take any **** from anyone. Amy started this crap & all I did was ask a question. She got "caught with her pants down" & is now lashing out at everyone else in a way that it makes her look like the victim.
But honestly, I don't expect you to see it since your friends with her.
You will see it the way she wants it seen.
Just like I seen her being ugly, snobby & nasty to Christine.
And your saying that you hope Amy & Rhonda can work this out, just proves that you haven't a clue about the whole story. Because it was Amy & Christine that was having the riff.
Amy, nobody was being ugly to you. I am sorry if it came across like that. There is no sense in leaving the board unless you feel absolutly like it is warranted. Nobody expects anyone to NOT stand up for themselves. Sometimes saying "Practice What You Preach" comes off a bit harsh. To me that is not being there for someone. And to throw in the AND I didnt attend a meeting was really kinda like saying "You ate poorly and went to meetings--why should I go - I eat fine"..
Do not leave the board -- we are all here to be supportive and the get support. One riff is no reason for anyone to leave.
We just get funny when we hear people not attending a meeting. They are very important like you have mentioned. I apologize if you took my comment wrong but it was not intended to be ugly.
Okay so this is just my 2 cents which we all knows means nothing. lol lol but i think that sara was referring to how ugly Gene, Amy's husband was being. Or at least that was the way I read it. I did not take it like Sara was saying that to tammy or Christine. But I could have read it wrong to. posting or im'ing is bad that way. You never really know who someone is talking to unless they say a name or you never reallly know how someone means something.