have i streached it already?!!!!!!!
I done the cottage cheese test this am for breafast and i was able to eat 4 whole ozs with out
ing! Is this too much? Have i streached my pouch? I also was able to eat a whole slice of pizza today at lunch at the mellow mushroom yummmy it was devine i didnt eat the big piece of crust at the end though and i did eat 2 pita pieces with hummus on it first! So what does this mean for me? Can i shrink it back down? Im still looseing everyday so i dont know whats going on here, but i'm concerned! DAWN
I'm back in now. It went to rainning, thundering & lightening.
So out of the pool I got !!!
OK.... Where to begin
First of all, Are you suppose to be eating Pizza ??? I'm by no means an expert, but I don't think your suppose to be eating pizza right now. Do you ? Did your doctor put pizza on your "OK To Eat Now List" ? About the stomach size, I'd be asking the doc just how small he made it & tell him about the test you did. This way you will know for a fact if you have stretched it & he will know just how much it has ALREADY been stretched.
Now for the "Flame" part !!!
I have been trying to have this surgery since July of last year. I have jumped through every hoop on this planet & then some. Not to mention every test they have out there, I've done that also. I would love to have a surgery date right now if nothing else. What gets me is people who have this surgery & then they continue to eat anything & everything that they want. Why in the world they had the surgery is beyond me. I guess because they "just wanted to do it".
Do you know how that makes me feel ??? Here I am wanting to have this surgery so I can lose weight to be healthy & get my life back. Then here you are doing things that makes me wonder if you really care about your eating habits.
***I know that this surgery doesn't work on the brain, but the memory of being over weight (or still over weight) should stop a lot of this bad habit eating. But don't feel too bad, there are several others here on this board who do the same thing. Some just don't tell about it here on the board. And I know that for a fact. But it still doesn't make it OK.
I'll give you some examples (No Names) & you figure out who they are.
Now I'm not saying that these things are forever a
But this list.... is made up of people who started doing these things within a month after surgery.
1. Cheeto's & CheeseCake
2. Pizza & Ice Cream
3. McDonald's Drive-Thru
4. Alcoholic Beverages
See why people like me get so upset. There are many of us wanting this surgery to improve our health. Then you have these people *****ally in a nut shell, have no intentions of doing anything to improve their lives. They just want to continue to eat & drink. What they want. When they want.
Girl, I love you to pieces. But you have got to get a grip on yourself !!!
You have got to watch what your doing. Step up & do the right thing !!!
Well Tammy , first of all i really hope and pray that you get your surgery soon. This is harder than any diet that i have ever been on and i will make this thing work for me, even is it kills me, its a learning process for me and I am a slow learner im not the brightest star in the sky, but i will eventually get it. My dr didnt really give me an approved eatting list i can have most anything except sugar( and i did have a bite to see what would happen and i wont do that again) and rice i havent had that or i cant have alcoholic drinks i dont drink so thats fine. I was told if it dont hurt me i can have it as long as i get my protein in so the pizza had lots of protein i didnt think it was a bad chioce just didnt know how much was ok. I guess im not underminding the surgery to bad or i wouldnt have lost 43 lbs in 4 weeks so i guess i need to stop and think about that before i get on here and start complaining about my pouch size. I will certianly think about all of you that havent be able to get your surgery yet next time I'm tempted with sweets and just think how blessed i am to have this tool and how may people out there who would like to have this opprotunity to do it right. Thanks for pointing it out to me, i needed a good swift kick in the back side. I"m a bit selfcentered at times and i'm sorry if my post offended you i will be more concederate in the future.
Hey Dawn,
Your doing pretty good with everything. I just don't understand how anybody can get to the point of needing to have this surgery & then try to continue with their old eating habits. And I'm not saying that is what all your doing. I'm asking in general. But I am also concerned about your eating. I do not want you to fail at this. I want you to be healthy & lose a lot of weight so you can wear a string bikini at the beach if you want to.
The post has not offended me at all. It has made me scratch my head as to why you think that you have stretched your stomach. By your asking that, I would assume that you are pretty sure in your thinking that you've done something to do it.
I'm sure you remember what it was like before having surgery. You may have thought to yourself or told someone that if or when you had surgery that you were going to change in order to keep from ever getting back in the same situation. I guess what I am trying to say or ask is... If you did say or think that, have you forgotten how you felt before surgery already ? Like I said, I know that this surgery doesn't fix the brain, that is something that you will have to work at over time. But, why risk backsliding into the same old bad habits with trying ify things.
Do you understand what I'm saying or asking ? To me it is like trying to light a fire using gas. The first time trying it & you see that it doesn't work, you do not go back again & say well let me see what will happen this time. You already know that it doesn't work.
Like I said, I'm not mad or pissed at you. I still think that your the same sweet crazy girl as before. I just question some of the things your saying & may be doing is all. But it is only because I care about you.
So, if my questioning things makes me out to be the bad guy, then so be it. I can handle it. Simply because I have the knowledge on my side of knowing that whatever anyone else does or eats, is only going to hurt or help them. Not me.
i dont think you are being a bad guy tammy, i never said that. I appreciate any and all comments and critizems!I will not fail at this so dont worry about me, i will be in that string bikini next summer and i will look mighty fine, if i do say so myself!hehe i might be the only one saying so! I will not ever eat the way i used too no way what so ever. You have to remember who you are dealing with here its me, the paraniod skitzo here i think im gonna bust if I eat one peanut! I am probably not eatting enough. I really dont think i streached my pouch , i just wanted to know if 4 oz of cottage cheese was too much for me at this stage , i didnt know when i done the test that i shouldnt do it this eairly out. And my eatting habits have change dramatically since surgery i used to drink a 12 pack of coke a day i am a addict and i have a sip or two of diet coke once or twice a week and thats it. I havent forgot what it feels like to be on the non loosing side its not fun and i will not go back there. Im not mad or pissed at you either , in fact im greatful that you knocked me on my big fat butt now , hehe and please do it again in the future if i need it. Oh and i will be sure to return the favor after you have your surgery.hehe So be ready! LOVE ya Girl, DAWN
No you didn't say that you thought I was being mean. I just don't want you to think that I am trying to be mean in any way. Cause I'm not. I just care about you & your health is all. I'd rather speak up & say something than have you ask later on why didn't somebody say something before it was too late. That is all I'm trying to do. And I'm trying to figure out if after surgery, am I going to forget about my saying I'm not going back to my old ways. Do post-ops see that they are loosing weight & say well I can eat what I want & still lose weight because of having the surgery.
I'm trying to peek inside your mind !!! Help me out here a little OK !!! I'm trying to get ready for when I have surgery. I want to know post-op thought on things. Are things looked at so different & all, etc.
If & when I fall off the wagon, I want somebody to yank me up by the seat of my britches, shake the hell out of me & ask me just what am I doing. I want to see feety prints all over my tail !!! I am scared of failing. Only an idiot wouldn't be after failing at so many diets. Failure is a built in everyday thing with me at this point. I will need to & want to be held accountable for what I eat. It keeps it real so that I won't forget why I was needing to have surgery in the first place. Acknowledging a problem is the first step to over come it. And I'm getting a head start on it !!!
And who says that you will probably be the only one thinking you look sexy in a SB ??? Men may be falling all over you before it is over !!!
Girl you gotta have some faith now !!! You'll get there in time.
12 pak of Cokes huh ??? I'm a Kool-Aid-A-Holic myself !!!
Just keep yourself in check with everything & all will be OK. Love you Too !!!
Yes, i too said i would never eat certian things after i had my surgery, i remember several things that i read on here or saw first hand form others that have had the surgery I thought "how could they do that, I would never!" Those are the very things i'm doing now!Never say never! I have learned that we are still human after surgery and we all fall from time to time but thank goodness we have each other to pull us back up and get us back on that horse again. I hope you will not do these things that i have done, I dont want anyone looking to me to emulate(sp)! Just the opposiate learn for my stupid mistakes! I know that i cant eat anything i want i will blow back up in a minute if i eat like i used to, i cant stop working out either if i do the wt loss will probably slow down. I have had a few bad days lately, but tomorrow is a new day for me and i am gonna make good choices and i want you and everyone else to hold me to it! I will eat pizza again just not often. I will not eat another bite of real sugar brownie or anything else for that matter,hehe! That lesson was learned!! Im gonna try real hard to stop beating myself up over every little thing too.I have always been hard on myself and i dont know how to deal with me actually doing something right, for once in my life. Maybe im trying to fail at this like everything else in my life, i dont know, I will pray on that cause thats the last thing i want to happen. I didnt even realize that i was screwing up so bad i guess it takes someone else to fill ya in sometimes. I really do appreciate you reminding me what it looks like from a pre-ops eyes. DAWN
I just have to hijack this and put my 2 cent's worth in. Y'all mentioned the coke-addition, and I wanted to let you know, just like you can give up the cokes, you can give up other stuff and never have it again, and it not bother you. As with ANY addiction, the first few times of denying yourself something, is the worst.
I too was a coke-aholic. I could go through a 12 pack myself. Just giving THAT habit up, I lost 28 lbs ( !! ) in three months. It was hard as hell, I had headaches and I craved the cokes for MONTH! The caffeine withdrawal sucked. BUT-- I got over it. Now? I hate coke. I have a sip every now and then when I'm thirsty and the kids have a coke and there's no water... And when I say a SIP.. I am totally honest guys.. its just that.. a sip to wet my whistle.. and I taste it and my brain says UHHH CAFFEINE.. and then my tastebuds say " yuck.. what the heck is this *(&*#$? "
I have found the same to be true with foods I decided to give up. I'm a HUGE carbeater, or I used to be. I still have them every now and then but in a way smaller fashion, I used to LOVE spaghetti, guys. I don't know what happened in the last year, but you can show me a plate of spaghetti now, and I gag. I honestly gag. Maybe if you haven't had food in a while, you develop some kind of an aversion? It's strange. Breads and Pizza crust don't appeal to me at all either. I'd rather just have a slice of ham and cheese rolled up and snack on it.. rather than a sandwich. If I gotta have a hamburger, I ALWAYS take one part of the bun off, and only eat the other because I refuse to have condiments all over my hands -- if I can have a plate, I will take all breads off and use a fork and knife to eat my burger and tomato and lettuce and onion
This coming for a 1yr postie.. don't push yourself to limits, don't say "never" but keep in mind, you train your mind to things as your stomach already limits them. I haven't had any urge for a coke in a year now.. I am actually so used to drinking my crystal lite tea, I crave IT!! If I am down to one box out, I HAVE to run to wal mart and get more or I'll get all antsy ( "omg.. I cant run out!! OH NO!!")
This is really a good discussion.. I guess, remembering that we can agree to disagree is the issue at hand.. Tammy and Dawn Thanks!