hi i have a date 9-19-05 ...
congrats on the surgery date!! YeayyY!!!!! So glad for you! Anyways, meanwhile, those two months will crawl..... and you can try to do a few things for your health. If you drink sodas, cut down to diet. If you like caffeine, start cutting back.. its a PAIN to give up caffeine over night. The headaches are the pits!!
Start building up the protein. A high albumin level helps your body to heal quickly. Just try your best to live a little healthier in preparation of your new lifestyle. Start really trying to get all the water in already. Never hurts to get used to drinking it.
Good luck and please post often.. We'll get you through the next two months !!
Thats a good date... Thats a certain someones birthday...
Seems like a long time away but it really isnt. Its just around the corner...Take plenty of time to research and get your head on straight about food. It sure isnt as easy for some of us to deal with head hunger. I wish I would have done more reading on head hunger and eating disorders. You need to be right emotionally as well as physically.
Its exciting.. I am happy happy happy for you. If you could see me you would see that I am doing a dance for ya!