Reminising the 80's
Did you pull out Records?? Haha...My mom was cleaning out her spare room (aka... Junk room) and Emily asked her where she got that "BIG OLE CD"... I about died... Its hilarrious..
Remember that song "19"? it was the Vietnam song---My step dad used to blow us out of the house when he would play that on the record player... And that "OH YEAH" song by Mello... Our "BAD" album was on record.. hahaha..
Oh how times they are a changin...
Go Ahead Joyce... Just throw it in our faces that we are OLD... You just a baby...
YES.. I AM OLD. But I loved them 80's...
I remember when Flashdance came on TV one night... My mother wouldnt let me watch it. I wanted to see it sooo bad.... Now, I own in on DVD and watch it reguraly. I love Jennifer Beals... WHAT A FEELING...
Do you remeber American Tail? Feivel? I got grounded once on the night they rented this and when they went to the grocery store I snuck and watched it. It was the bomb... My kid likes it now.. Well she used too.. Now she likes Drake and Josh, Kim Possible, Spongebob, etc...
I may have to watch American Tale in a little while... I feel so old... Hope you feel good about that...