i have 2 children as well and they are 2 and 3. i was very afraid if i died they would just crumble but i had to realize the mother that they had at the time. i was VERY unhappy with my body my health and mylife and i was making their life terrible. all last summer they only went to the beach once bc i hated my body too much to get in a bathing suit in public.and if i kept going with my weight the way it was i was going to be in terrible health and eventually be a burden to my children and i didnt want that at all. so in my opinion the benefits highly out way the risks but it is a personal decision.i know i made the right one. this summer has been the best and its only just started!!!
Hey girl... I was the same way. I wrote letters to my family and my best friends. I had something for my best friend to read at my funeral and what songs I wanted played. I had them locked up so nobody would get them while I was in hopsital and when I got home I destroyed them. Nobody ever got to read them. I had mapped out what I wanted him to do with my life insurance money and made him promise if I passed away that he would quit his job and stay with her for at least 6 mos to cope and then get a normal 8-5 job (the one he has now is all hours of the nite)... I wanted to ensure she had stability... and him to know she would really need him to be mommy and daddy and not just daddy. He couldnt make her eat Ramen Noodles everynight or sandwiches. I asked him to buy a house near my parents so they could help....and not to replace me with a floozy.. I took my daughter out on the town 2 nights before and we did whatever she wanted to do. If anything were to happen to me, I wanted her last memories of me to be fun memories with lots of smiling and happiness.
My husband made the mistake of telling her there was a chance I could die. Of course this freaked her out and she was crying and it took alot of talking to calm her down. I could have beat him.. that is not something I EVER want her to worry about. We got home that night and she taped our picture from Chuck E Cheese to her wall and told me it was there in case something happened to me she wouldnt forget me. I am crying now thinking about that and how much she worried about me.
Love your babies lots before you have your surgery and your husband. Give yourselves alot of family time the weekend before. I am not trying to scare you but it really helped me feel at peace knowing that everything was situated and could be taken care of with me gone.
Its totally natural to feel that way and even though I feel confident you will do just fine, we never know when its our time.
I made my decision.. I was a ticking time bomb...
Hey Sara,
I've been busy the last couple of days and I'm catching up here.
I had the same thoughts bad. Marci was 1 year 8 months when I had surgery and Samantha(my niece that I have joint custody of) was 12.
I wrote a letter to both of them and my husband and hid it and told my best friend that if something happened to me to give it to them. It was so hard I cried like a baby when I did it but I felt peace. Like I told them what I wanted them to know. Several months after surgery I told my husband about it and he wanted to read them so I let him. He cried too.
Those thoughts are normal because you know there is a little chance of something happening. Not saying my family isn't more important but this was important too. I wanted to be healthy for them so I could enjoy them and they could me. Just try not to think about it and you'll be ok look at the good parts. Good luck it will be here before you know it.