New Pic
Hey Jo ~
now now, don't be complaining. So the picture isn't perfect, but you're beautiful and I remember the other picture, you can REALLY tell you've lost a lot !! WOW!! Looking GOOD!!! wohoo
I kinda sneaked into your profile to take a look at just how big a difference there is now , and your "old" picture won't come up. Did you have it posted on a website and took it off? If not, the link probably went bad or something. You may want to look into it, just thought I'd bring it up so you can fix it.
I just love looking at everyone's before/ after pics. We have come SO FAR!!!!
Happy Tuesday to ya!
YESS!!!!! You know already what I think.. AWESOME!!
Did you already email your pic to them to add into the before/ after gallery? I did last weekend, I just hope they don't erase the pic that shows up on my posts instead
because I like my pic right now.
Lookin' Pretty, Lady!!
.........going back to work now, couldn't rest without checking back to make sure it's showin' up hehehe.............