Please tell me how wrong this is!
Hello everyone-
I just got done talking to a friend, and she had the nerve to tell me I'm jealous of her!! It really hurt my feelings and was just wrong! She says I'm immature and always starting crap (she didn't use that word).
She said I'm jealous of her because she has friends! Oh my gosh! I do too! She USE TO BE ONE OF THEM! Also I'm supposed JEALOUS OF HER SO MUCH I WANNA BE HER! BECAUSE SHE IS THIN!!! 135 LBS. It hurt me so bad she'd even say that! This is the first time I've ever had to let some steam out on here. Is it just me or was she so wrong for doing that? And I didn't start stuff just for the record! LOL!
I'm 21 yrs old and married and attend college. I don't have time for crap like that. Had to drop a friend because of her being too needy and wanted me to leave my hubby! So I could spend more time w/her. I have bad taste on picking friends!
May 13, 2005
21 yrs old, 5'1
231 / 197 / 120
Sounds to me like the old buddy-roo is getting insecure BECAUSE you are getting skinny and might give her a run for her money!!! I think she feels threatened....Not only is it "safe" for us being fluffy, but our friends feel "safe" with us fluffy too. And hey, tell her you have a whole new family just in Mississippi alone that love you dearly and can't stand how ugly she is being to you and we gonna come whup some a$$ if'n she don't behave!!!!!

hun it sounds like you have a good head on your sholders to me! You have your own life to live, dont let her get to you. She is the selfish and jealous one! You have a family, a life, and are working on a career, so my OPINION is that you dont need things in your life that will disrupt it in that way. Just my opinion! Feel free to vent anytime!
God Bless,
Angie Bea
Hey April,
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO agreeing with Arlies, this "friend" of yours is definitely the one who's jealous and you're probably better off without a friend like that. I mean, if you have friends like that, you SURE don't need no enemies!! Lord have mercy. Yeah, when you were heavy, it was safe to have you around, you didn't threaten to "take away" any of the men or other friends, but once you lose weight, you 're probably going to be the better looking of the two and then she'd really have a field day. Don't let that get to you, there are so many folks out there who are good friends, friends for life, you may not have found this friend yet, but this one, is DEFINITELY not the one. A true friend would be jumping for joy because you're happy, because you're determined and you're doing something good for yourself.
Take care girl, and feel free to come here to vent ANY(!!!!!) time!
im so with arlies on this ive had similar things happen to me but they didnt have the guts to tell me that to my face but i know that its bc they are threatened now but who cares all u can be is u and do what is best for u and ur health and ur family. screw everyone else!!! sounds like u didnt need her if she cant support u in ur journey!!
26yrold, 5'2
Now see that's why phones should have extra push buttons.
Buttons such as.... choke, kick, scream, hiss, etc.
In my opinion I would say try not to worry about it or her. Maybe she's just having a bad day, snapped & took it all out on you. Not saying that would make it right mind you. But we all have GRRRRR days & say things that we normally wouldn't say. Lord knows I do !!!
I'd suggest trying to calm down & call her tomorrow & just ask her why would she says those kinda things to you. If she still sticks with her comments just tell her that she really needs to listen to herself & what she is saying. Then tell her when she does listen....that the voice she will be hearing belongs to an idiot. Then just hang up....
I'm sorry that this is happening to you. You seem to be a sweet person who is grounded in their life. So keep smiling, love hubby & go to school. We're all here for you !!! So you just vent away if you want to.

that girl was wrong and she knows it too!!! I'd drop her like she was hot girl!! and she is the jealous one, she likes you fat cause it makes her feel good about herself to be around a fat girl! I've been there and done that friendship, and its not fun !! You dont have to deal with that there's pleanty of other nice people out there who would be lucky to be your real freind! DAWN
Thats just being silly on your friends part.
Granted I am jealous of alot of my friends and they probably know it but they have never said it. I have been lucky my whole life when it comes to friends. I guess I am a good judge of character. "Birds of a feather flock together" --I have had the same friends since High School - that says alot since I am 30, but I hate saying... "We've been friends for 15 years".... ARGH! Even friends I met after high school and became close with I still have. I can usually tell the instant I meet someone if we will clash... with the exception of Melissa. I didnt like her in the beginning (it was a jealousy thing)...
Your friend is probably jealous of you in many ways and feels like her being skinny is the only thing she had over you. Now, she wont even have that and that may be the problem. People get like that. I havent talked to my sister in quite some time... She is feeling like she is the fat one now and when her plans to have surgery fell thru she doesnt come around as much. I hate that cause we are/were really close and always have been.
Anyone who wants you to not have other friends has an obsession/jealousy problem. I dont think this is your problem... this is her problem.
Stay away from her.. keep doing your stuff... She will either come around or not... If not, Oh well... wasnt really a good friend to begin with.