Hey guys well I just got home from my first day as a SURGICAL TECH STUDENT AT VIRGINIA COLLEGE. I enjoyed it very much today, I have 4 classes that are as follows: Medical Terminology I, Anatomy and Physiology I, Fundimentals of Microcomputers I, and Career Focus I. I know that the last 2 classes mentioned are gonna be a breaze, but I shouldn't have too much trouble with the other 2 neither. They were right about how many students qualify for this program i know i didnt see but maybe 7 students on the entire campus today that were in the same color scrubs as me...(we wear colored scrubs that are specifically designated to each major, mine happens to be one of my favoritestest colors BURGANDY!!!) my scrubs fit a little snug now but they should be comfortable in a few weeks. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support I love you all.
Angie Bea
I am jealous of you being back in school. I miss being in school. I really love getting educated.
Dont worry about those scrubs -before too long they will be falling off of you.
Study lots and keep us updated. I would like to take some psycology classes and some nutrition classes. I think that would be fun. Its hard though cause I HAVE to work to stay afloat and I dont know about night classes. That would be hard.
Good luck to you and we want to see all A's on your report card. For every A you get we will give you a dollar. K? You could make some big money... haha.. Thats how I have to do my daughter...
Girl I am so very proud of you !!!
Are you gonna try a help out Dr. S with me once I finally get a surgery date ? Let me re-phrase that.... If I ever get a surgery date !!!.
If you do..... I know one lady that you really need to keep away from me while I'm out & the pay could be very good for you to have my back !!!