Am I not loved?????
I guess not..
..I posted a couple hours ago and no one has answered my post...I wasn't asking for much....
come on guys and girls I am really
about this presentation I hate getting up in front of people. I know that I know what I am talkig about but I need some feedback from people who have had it done for a while.
*~* Iris *~*

Well Doll, I haven't had surgery yet is why I haven't answered.
But from my point of view while waiting......
Some of my Con's are:
1. Being made to wait forever & a week.
2. All the crazy butt pre-op testing that most are made to do.
3. Feeling like not one person cares that you have to wait for surgery.
Hope this helps some Doll. I do love ya & I do care. I just don't have any post-op answers to give you.

Girl I wish I knew !!!
To be on the safe side though I would suggest.......
Just bust up in there & start with the first one that you come to !!!
Thank you tho & trust me, I know you'd do it !!!
Your my Hero & I love for that !!!
Actually, I wouldn't mind the waiting too much if..... they would just go ahead & take ONLY Jan & Sherry ahead of me. B/C they've been w/UMC & at this longer than I have. I don't want to knock them out of the way or to the side.
Does that sound greedy ??? I sure hope not. I don't mean it that way.