Well, folks, it looks for sure this time....We have applied for an apartment in Jackson at Bridgewater and they are telling us we will have a 3 bedroom/2 bath handicap unit by Aug 1. So the cleaning out and packing has begun....Em and I have started on the storage shed. We are planning a big garage sale for July 1, 2,3, 4,****il all is sold! If you want dibs on anything, lemme know.....So far I have found a hooded coat (i wore in North Dakota and it may be too heavy for here) that is a size 5x. Lots of dh's old clothes....sizes from 36 waist to prolly about 42/44. Lots of little folk clothes (hand-me-downs from Kairee (Jay's daughter)) and a bunch of all purpose junk - which might be YOUR treasure!!! If you wanna come check it out prior to the sale, lemme know.....I will gladly give you what you want or need from the to-go pile.......
And in the mean time, Em and I are beat!!! We have been working hard early in the am (we start at 6 because the shed is tin and gets hot fast)...and finish early and take a load to the dump. So the rest of the day, we lounge around.....
PS I will check on you guys, but don't worry if I am AWOL....I bees very, very tired.....
BTW Dawn, I have a pink enamel bunk bed!!!! Just right for twinses!!!!

Hey it is great that you are moving to Jackson. I will be coming to Jackson and I will ring you and we can go out for tea or something. I know that your DH is soooo glad that you are finally going to live close to his work. Driving that far is too much! I had a job once where I drove 150 round trip each day and I finally just gave up on it! Now if it isnt just down the road, it isnt worth it!!!!
oooooooooommmppphhhhhh !!!! U MOVING TOO??????
Arlies, I feel your pain !! Moving is such a hassle, isn't it!! I just finally got finished putting up what I "wanted" to put away, I still got plenty in our storage room but I won't touch it till next week, I'm exhausted for the moment.
I actually lost weight with all this moving stuff, but that's a whole 'nother story! I would take you up on the bunk bed as well, ONLY IF CHRISTINE DOESN'T WANT THEM!! ( yeah.. I'm gettin' in line ) but I don't have a truck to go get'em, the little Rav4 isn't long enough I don't think.
My hub's going out to sea next Thursday for five months, our week and weekend is really hectic. We have to go get the kids back from visitin' Louisiana ( they have no clue yet that we moved LOL ) and hubby drives to get them, since I get off way after him Friday, he brings them home Saturday and then has to work Sunday, so there's no way I can even borrow the little SUV this weekend to get the bed either. I mean, this is IF Christine doesn't take it... I could really use it if she doesn't, and maybe you guys , if you come down in your truck for your next appointment, can tag it along and drop it off? I'm only like 2 exits west off where I-10 and hwy 49 meet in Biloxi. It's just a thought....