Had to Share-Thanks Keli
Since I am having difficulties keeping my vow to not eat potato chips--Keli sent me this list of things to do to avoid the chips. Its too cute. There were 10 but some I didnt know if she would want me to list...Its sweet... Thank you Keli... Thats great support!
1. Drink water ...*boring I know but just starting the list give me a min!*
2. Begin making the world's largest rubber band ball
3. Blow spit balls at the mutant eating chips for breakfast
5. Visit the copy machine and copy various parts of your body for daily comparision
6. Take out your before picture and remember the reasons you had this surgery
7. Draw a funny carton of your boss and sign it with the mutants name then pass it around the office *ya i'm evil*
8. Begin an office sing along...start with row row row your boat or any other annoying song
9. Take a smoke break and walk by the loading dock and hear all the guys whistle at you...kick them if they don't
So there you go 10 things you can do besides eating those darn chips! Hope it helps or at least made you smile. Talk to you soon!
ooooooo, ooooooooooo. ooooooooooooo, I want a copy machine!!!!!!
PS don't forget the most annoying song of all, "Father Abraham had 7 sons and 7 sons had Father Abraham....I am one and so are you....So let's just praise the LORD.......Right hand....(repeat and continue adding body parts until the office is nutz and thank your local Baptist VBS!) or my altime favorite....."this is the song that never ends, yes, it goes on and on, friend...." (Lamb Chops thanks you!)