I didnt eat it!!!
just wanted to let you all know that i resisted the cakes!!! I didnt touch them and he took them to work!! I can do anything now, that was a true test of my will power!! Thanks for all you support to get me through that last night, i needed it , and it truely helped!! LOVE ALL OF YA'LL
BTW I woke up this morning with blurry vision, i can hardly type its so bad , could this be wt loss retaled or should i call the eye dr? ITs REAL BAD!!!I gotta 245 appt with dr LO , i will tell him.
You go girl. I knew you could do it. Aren't you just so proud of yourself? Pat yourself on the back. You truly deserve it. You resisted not one cake but two!!
I had some dizziness and blurry vision at first too. Make sure you get your liquids in and make sure to get enough calories in too. Mine was when I would stand up really fast and probably was a rapid change in blood pressure. Mention it to your doctor.
P.S. Congratulations again on not eating the cake!

Do you know how proud I am of you?!?! EXTREMELY.
Its hard but we had a very intense surgery and its a tool that we have to use correctly. Trust me though- I still have issues and when I fuss with you I am fussing at myself too.
Going to that Seminar last night and remembering myself at 275 pounds and looking around the room and seeing people in my old shoes was a reminder that I DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE AGAIN. That post about the Fat Monster yesterday and the part where it said "I HATED THAT LIFE" --I did hate that life and I dont want to go back there.
Today is a new day and we are gonna do good. I hope to make myself proud at the end of the day when I am posting my foods (and NOBODY can say they smelt potato chips on my breath)....
Could your blurry vision be due to sinuses? I sneezed about 20 times this morning in a row.
Let us know how doctor visit goes. Also be honest with him about your cravings and the difficulties you are having and maybe he can help. I bet you money that you have lost at least 30 pounds.
GOOD GIRL!! I knew you could do it! I am proud of you!
When you look at Dr. Lo today, you need to imagine that he is butt ugly so that you can ask him the questions you need to ask him.
I had some dizziness and blurred vision for a day or so at the beginning, but none since. I am sure you will be fine soon.
Love ya Girl! I am so going to miss all of you while I am on vacation!
gonna be hard to imagian that since he's so purtty!! But i'll close my eyes and see if that helps , he might be offended if i bring him the paper bag to wear!LOL The blurred vision seem to be gettin better but my head is killin me. I called Lisa an we think it might me my b/p has gone too low! And she told me not take my maxide today. I'm gonna miss you too, but I'll be here when you get back, and maybe we can go to the pool or something i might even dust off the ole bathin suit for ya!!LOL DAWN