I gotta gush!!
I just had to post a big ol huggle to Christine and Melissa and Melissa's hubby *who I know will read this
*! I had my surgery lecture thingy tonight and they all showed up and were very supportive and awesome and we had too much fun chattin away afterwards. My mom was with me and told me her face hurt after laughing so much. hehe Anyways thanks again guys it was great to finally meet ya'll!
Huggles and love,

You know we came in hopes you would get to come and we could finally meet. It was great meeting both you and your mom. Your mother is a hoot. I just loved her. You got your hands full with her LOL. Next time someone gives me trouble I am going to say I know her LOL. We did have fun afterwards chatting in the parking lot. It is good to laugh like that. We need to do that again some time over lunch.
Hey Keli.. It was very good to see you again. Its been a long time. You and your mom are both very sweet. I hope I dont ever **** your mom off though. I think she could take me.
It was a good meeting and I enjoyed visiting afterwards.
You are right about Melissas hubby reading. I think its funny that he has to call her sometimes and tell her whats going on with the board. He needs his own screen name ***HINT HINT JOHN** -- Seriously thouhg... I think its real supportive that he comes here and reads. My husband couldnt even tell you the name of the website.
Take care and get that packet filled out and sent in. The quicker the better!