my dad burn husband....
has just brought a red velvet cake and an itialian cream cake ( my two most favs in the world) into my house!! What is he thinkin? What will happen if i eat some i think dumppin might be worth it!LOL I've never dumped i think if i'm gonna this is the way to do it!LOL I wont be able to sleep tonight knowin its in here!!! I'm gonna kill him for doin this to me!!! Ya'll please come an get these cakes i'm going crazy here! I feel like edgar allen poes' "the tell tell heart" !!! Those cakes just keep taungting me! Maybe i should eat them both to shut them up!!LOL DAWN
GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HOUSE! Go into your bedroom and shut the door. Tell your husband to eat it and throw the rest out. If he doesnt you will eat it. If you dump you will be MISERABLE. Dawn, it is awful. Its not fun and its not worth it. Please dont do it. Please. Dont just say you wont... DONT.. Resist it. Go take a bath. Go wash clothes. Write in your journal. Do something... Dont eat that cake. Seriously.
Hide it from him & wait for him to ask you where it is.
Then tell him that you have no idea what he is talking about
That you seen the cake was gone & just figured that he had ate it all
Oh wait.... Or that he took it to work with him !!! That's even better...

Please take Christine's post to heart, dumping is NO fun! Don't eat any of those cakes!! And tell Donnie that he is going to be in trouble from all of us if he keeps doing that to you! If it is not made sugar free then he does not need to bring the whole cake home, only a piece for the kids to eat where there is no left overs there to make you want them.
Do not eat them!!
HIYA DAWNY honey !!
So you're tempted huh??
Well, let me tell you, this is from someone who doesn't dump on a lot of things, I've had some pie that had sugar in it and I never felt a thing, therefore figuring out that up to about 10-15 g of sugar is my tolerance level. HOWEVER.... I can assure you, it was done in error and I wasn't trying to do it. Then one day I was craving some grapes, felt like "well, its fruit!" and put me some in my lunch box for work. AHHH they were so good, it was delicious. THEN---- 15 minutes after enjoying these cold crispy sweet grapes, I started feeling weak. I was at work, mind you,
starting to sweat,
starting to get really tired... and I finally found out HOW IT FEELS to dump. Oh My Goooooooshhhh.. I wanted to just crawl under my desk and die!!! :')
So there you have it, I think the best way to teach yourself not to eat these tempting things is to just go ahead and have some. I guarantee, if you're half way sane, you'll only make that mistake ONE time, and you learn really quickly how to avoid the high sugar stuff.
It's like your body will not learn till you give in.
One craving will slap your body in the face and say " LEAVE IT ALONE!"
Just trust me on it, have a piece and you probably won't ever even WANT another LOL ( I haven't touched another grape since!)
Nooooooooway no, Sir!!! Ugh!!!!!

==== >> BY THE WAY.. guys.. I hope you guys see that I was being sarcastic here.
IN NO WAY FORM OR FASHION am I trying to say that that cake should be eaten. I'm not trying to get Dawnie sick...
DAWN.. please tell your hubby to take that cake and get it out of the house. I merely meant that you'll get sick , ill and nauseated .....
Your first time dumping shouldnt be on this cake.. it will be on something you'd never expect !!!!!!!!!!
Take it to heart... don't do this to test your limits. Just be very very aware of the consequences. We all have dumped and try to prepare you for how it feels.
NOW that I have everyone's attention......
WHEN are we going to have a chat again?? Anyone interested??