I need my family
I am without a doctor and I need the support of my MS OH family. I am so unsure about who to go to for my surgery. But, this wasteing time, is killing me. I know so many of you have traveled great distances, but that is not an option for me. I don't have a car or anybody to go with me, so this limits me so much. Please, don't think I am just whining to hear myself whine. I just need prayers for a doctor, a friend to go with me and a car that I can depend on. I know this is asking a great deal from my family but I am a believer in prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, so just please pray for me. Thank you so much in advance and thank God with me that He will hear your prayers for me. Smiles, Jan

I hate that you are having such a hard time getting your surgery approved and scheduled. And you certainly have your thoughts in the right place. If God intends for you to have this, He will provide. You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. I have heard horror stories time and time again of people being denied. I can't believe I didn't have any trouble whatsoever scheduling my surgery. Not trying to brag, just feeling blessed....LOL. But, I will certainly pray for you. That God would provide whatever needs you have.
Jan, i can hear the pain in your words. I know the feeling of wanting the surgery so badly and hating the delays. I will keep you in my prayers. I read your profile and tried to get some idea of your situation with doctors. Is the problem insurance coverage or medical clearance or what? Also, some people have had success with vocational rehab. Is that an option for you? If you could get the surgeon thing worked out, I think that transportation could be arranged. keep us posted. By the way, we missed you at the Hattiesburg support group last night. Also, Dr. Whitehead has his bariatric surgery seminar tonight at the Y in Hattiesburg at 6:30. It would be good if you could come. Love, Janice
Janice, thank you for your love and kind words. I was going to use Dr. Salameh, but according to the committee, I was not a candiate for surgery. I would not go back to the councelor for another psy eval. I choose someone else that had done other of Dr. Salameh's patients. He said I was fine to have surgery but the committee said "you are not a candidate for bariatric surgery." The letter also said that I was at greater risk from the surgery due to "Lack of coping strategies, along with anxiety and depression". I told her, the bariatric Coordinator, that I have and am presently seeing a psychiatrist at UMC and he said I was ready for surgery. But, I could not get anyone to listen to me! So, I now know I will be better off by using someone else.
I tried to see Dr. Whitehead, but he is not accepting medicare at this time. I do have an appointment with a doctor in Covington, LA that does baritric surgery 90% of his practice. It is just over 100 miles from Brookhaven. But, since I posted I have had several friends to tell me they will see that I get there. God is so good and does hear our prayers. Thanks again for your concerns. Smiles, Jan Brown