been a while
hey guys i know its been a while but its been crazy at my house lately. keeping an extra chile most days of the week, we 're trying to sell our house and so that means that it must stay clean and tidy to be shown anyday and with a 3 and 2 year old and most days a 6 year old in toe is a fulltime job!! my little girl and i also started taking a tennis clinic so im gone half the days most days. she was actually in the hattiesburg american on the front page of the FYI pine belt section a few weeks ago. she just learning but doing good coach hunter is fab. if he can teach me he must know what he is doing!!!! my husband is trying to finance our retirement like that WACHOVIA commercial lol!! it was good seeing everyone tonight and missed a few people like robin and is denise?anyone know?
it was also good to hear dr carson again although he gets over my head with some of that medical jargin he's still brilliant.are we supposed to have a 9 mo check up i never got scheduled one and i remember dr whitehead say see at 1 year. so i was confused or he was who knows with me somedays. anyway good to be back and i will try to be more regular!! AND MELISSA and CHRISTINE, ILL TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM THE DERMATOLOGIST!!!
rny 10/14/04
229/153/125....76lbs gone!!!! in the single digits size 8 baby!!!!! been a long time since i was there i want that 4/6 though!!!!
I have a 9 mos visit in July complete with blood work. You may want to check on that since you had your surgery a week after me.
We werent laughing at you tonight. Melissa had me giddy when she asked Dr Carsons if she needed to drink the whole bottle of B6... Did you hear me snort??!?! I was rolling. I cannot believe she said that out loud. Haha...
We have decided that our diet will consist of B6, red wine, Omega 3, and Collard greens (for iron). Haha..
Man, with diet like that how long before we are the only ones who can be around ourselves. Talking about gas, goodness gracious alive. Between the fish for the Omega 3 and the collard greens we will have to move in together when our spouses throw us out. We may want to add some beano to our new diet as well. What do you think? Can we add just one more thing to our new regimen? LOL
Hey, I was serious about turning up the bottle of B6 as bad as my binging and grazing wants to be during that time of the month. At least we only have the hormone induced eating problem that only comes around once per month. I can't believe I said that out loud either, but you know me.
By the way, I did hear you snort because it was in my ear. And you spit on me too. Good thing I love ya so much, huh? I would have brawled with anyone else LOL. Hey, it isn't my fault. It's the testosterone.
I didnt mean to spit on you. Are you sure it was me? Dr. Carsons has that problem too..
You shouldnt have said that though--If I had been drinking something you wuold have been soaked! Next time you get ready to say something like that... warn me. Did you see his face when you asked that.. and then you chuckled and had to say it again. I was almost okay until you chuckled. That did me in...
Hey... we didnt get in a brawl tonight. Man, I was ready to try your testosteone out. I wouldve had your back but you wouldnt have needed me. There was nobody there tonight who would have been fun to watch you fight with though... Darn it. By next months meeting you should be good and manly and I will pick a fight for you and run. Haha... I will make sure I bring us some straws too and some paper. I will supply the spit (as long as you dont make me laugh and I spray everyone)....
YOu know maybe it was Dr. Carsons who spit on me. You know at least I did explain why I felt I needed to drink the whole bottle of B6. With the malabsorbtion and all I thought if 50 to 100 was good for normal and as abnormal as I am maybe the bottle would be okay and stop all those nonsense head cravings I get around that time. Oh well just a thought. Hey, but after I repeated it he did smile. So at least he has a sense of humor deep down in there somewhere. I wondered for a minute. He is so serious sometimes. Hey do not get me into a spat and run. What friend does that? You know I am on testosterone and other crap to get my hormones back in balance. I can't help it if I feel like arm wrestling. You a mess girl. Hey, I can wipe the floor clean with your skinny butt so don't mess with me, sister LOL. I am not promising not to make you laugh at next meeting. I enjoy making you laugh. It is funny when you snort.
P.S. Swing by the office today and I will give you some sublingual B-12 to try.
You two crack me up! We have got to get together soon. I wish you guys could have come to New Orleans with us last weekend, it was a BLAST.. Maybe next time! You know, you four (you & John and Christine and hubby) could come down to the coast in August and we could hang out. I know you guys are up for a casino trip. Or just you and Christine if you want a girls weekend away!
We need to plan something, you two look at your calendars and let me know when you could come.

It was good to see you. I am glad you got to come. I know you have had a lot on your plate taking care of your husband's little brother. That is great of you guys to be there for him.
Yeah, girl just deal with those zits and stay away from the dermatologists. It is just a passing phase your body is going through. Not to mention Dr. Carsons made the dermatologist sound scary LOL.
Good luck with everything you have going on and I hope things will settle down for you soon. Don't go in hiding so long. Come post and let us know how you are doing.