Heya Fellow MIssissippians!!!!
on 6/19/05 4:41 pm - Pensacola, FL
on 6/19/05 4:41 pm - Pensacola, FL
I know.. I know... It's been a while since I have posted... Life has been crazy...and I need a serious vacation, lol
JUst wanted to pop on and say hey to everyone... I had to be rushed into oral surgery last week and had 3 teeth pulled and realized pain medicine has no effect on me..Which really sucks.. I can't seem to swallow pills..and if I crush them they work a tiny bit for a very short period of time and then stop.. and liquid meds go right through and dont work at all.. NOt sure if its because of the surgery and my body not having enough time to absorb them or not but it's been hell.. ughh... ANY SUGGESTIONS would be great, lol
Kids are doing great.. I found out one of my twins the one that has had all the surgeries has lost 40% of his hearing so we have been dealing with that..I feel bad becasue like any mom I have been getting on to him for not listening to me, lol I know not funny buit looking back in hind sight its makes me smile... HE tells me momma.. everything happens for a reaon, and MOmma ... It builds character, lol this coming from an 8 year old..
Ok weight loss.. For about 2 months I lost absolutely nothing besides the few pounds I gain every month from my monthly cycle whihc I lose right after I am finished weird huh?? Well I got really sick the last week of last month adn the first week of this month hence not being at last months support group meeting and cpouldnt really stomach anything, then my teeth started giving me probs so I couldnt eat and now I am on liquid diet.. Before all of this happened I could almost finish half of a sandwhich.. WHihc I thought wa s alot for a year out.. Now I go to eat and one mouthfull of beans or one bite of a sandwhich and I am stuffed.. and I have lost about16 pounds in the last 3 weeks.. Not sure if I jump started it again or what..
I went yard saling this weekend in pain but figured shopping would help.. Trying to find some size 12/14 summer clothes mainly jean shorts skirts and short overalls.. didnt have much luck but found a few.. Ok I think I am babbling a bit.. lol so I will cut this short for now its 1:39 am and I need to get some sleep, lol Oh they have an updated picture on my profile and the before and after linky thing
was taken about a monht ago though... Look forward to talking to everyone again and I promise to post atleast once a day from now on... so no one will forget about me anymore, lol

Hi Karen
and welcome back!! I can imagine what you're going through with the tooth issue. I've had a few teeth with problems ( one that I bit on a tonguering while pregnant, was not ready to have it fixed while prego and no meds and stuff, so I waited it out till afterwards and they ended up telling me it couldnt be fixed). I had some intense pain from that thing and there's nothing worse than a toothache. It goes right up your ear into your brain... ouchiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee
Finally just had it pulled and the pain was gone instantly. Wow. I can't imagine how some people with bad teeth can spend every single day in pain like that.
Looks to me like you jump started your loss again. I've been stuck on the same weight for a month now, 5 weeks actually and I'm trying hard as I can to jump this, but nothing seems to be working. Upped exercise, water, protein. Stuck. So congrats on the losing weight again, girl!!
I'm on my way out the door myself to get to work, so I thought I'd drop u a line and welcome you back. Take care and hope you find some good garagesales

Well, all I gots to say is Dr. Jenkins LOVES ME BEST!!!!!
PS sorry about your teethies....Hope all is well now. GO!!! on the extra weight loss, was it just the weight of the teeth????
Cause I am having trouble seeing where else it could've come from!!!! Once a day, huh? Yeah, I bet!!! But I still love you!

Hi karen, I just wanted to say Hi! I'm a new post -op from keesler . When i started lookin into WLS about a year ago your profile was the first one that i ever read, and you have been an insparation for me , I read your profile all the time. i hope to meet you at the next support group meeting.BTW i have twins also, mine are 2 yr old girls. DAWN
on 6/20/05 5:05 am - Pensacola, FL
on 6/20/05 5:05 am - Pensacola, FL
I can't wait to meet you and you had me smiling big when you told me you read my profile, lol glad to see I could be of help to someone
WOOHOO another twin momma
Its great... Sorry this is so short I am in so much pain here and when I sit up it makes it that much worse but rain or shine I WILLLLLL be at the next support group meeting
CANT wait to meet you then
HUGSSSS from your WLS sister

Hello, Karen, welcome back. I hope you will post with us regularly. Maybe you can come to the get together we are having in October. Arlies has all the information on that.
I read your profile. You have done great and sounds like you have a lot of support. You don't look like you need to lose anymore weight. YOu look wonderful!!
Congrats on your success and good luck with the rest of your journey. Hope to hear from you more.
Melissa Taylor
Lap Rny 1/15/04
-141 pounds
I am so glad to see you on this site!! I have missed you terribly. I am sorry that you have had so much pain with your teeth, I hope it gets better! The liquid Loritab worked real well for me after I got out of the hospital for pain. I did not dump on it, I do however have a bit of a problem with the childrens motrin or tylenol liquid, too much sugar, I guess. But the childrens tylenol works on me, the chewable ones, I just have to take about 10 of them at one time. I have also recently been able to take one regular tylenol gelcap and have had no problem swallowing the pill.
I will not be at the support group meeting next month, because I will be out of town picking up my step kiddos. I will be at the one in July though, as far as I know. I look forward to seeing you soon!!

on 6/20/05 5:08 am - Pensacola, FL
on 6/20/05 5:08 am - Pensacola, FL
I've missed ya to darlin hope all is well over there... Everything is good here besides my teeth... about want to pull them all out if it would make the pain go away...Ughhh I wish you were going to be at the meeting this month but I will definitely see you next month
Cant wait to see ya you have my number feel freee to call me whnevere you want darlin