i was wondering about the fall festival in rosevelt park on oct.29
Hello Laura,
I am not sure on all the details either. But I am sure that the Queen will be awake soon and she will post and let you know anything that you need to know
I see that you have something to look forward too!! It won't long until you are on the losing side with alot of us.
Hope that I get to meet you in Oct.

Here is a reprint of my origianl post concerning the fall festival:
Angie Bea and I went and toured the Roosevelt State Park at Morton today. Houston, it is a go!!! Mark your calendars for OCTOBER 29, 2005 (the only Saturday available in October.) We reserved and paid the rental fee for the "commons" room at Alfreda Lodge. Roosevelt State Park is located at Exit 77 off Interstate 20 in Morton (Scott County).All these details will be posted again later, but bear the following in mind:
1. NO ALCOHOL - it is a State Park and this is a FAMILY event.
2. Each car must pay $2 for the first 4 folks in the car and 50 cents for all others on entering the park.
3. The room is ours from 8 am until 5 pm.
4. The game room (upstairs and there is an elevator) will be open from 8 am until 5 pm.
5. Fishing boats may be rented for $9.85 per day.
6. Fishing is $3.00 per person, $2.00 for 65 years of age or older or disabled - MUST HAVE FISHING LICENSE.
7. If you will be traveling a distance and want to be there for a night or so, call 601-732-6316 - they have 15 family cabins, 20 motel units, 8 camp units with bunk beds, 109 recreactional vehicle sites and primitive camping. CALL NOW!!! AVAILABILITY IS NOT GUARENTEED AND THE QUICKER YOU RESERVE, THE BETTER YOUR CHOICE!
We can bring grills, if you want to, but there are no grills on site at the Commons room. Grills may NOT be placed on the concrete patio. (My paperwork says that one cannot prepare food on the premises, but the lady in the office says as long as the grills are not placed on the concrete, we can.) We nixed the catering due to the cost (from $7.50 per person upwards to at least $14.00 per person...no difference in price of bigs or little folks.)
Here are the tentative plans.....
Now, I DO NOT DO Halloween for personnel reasons (if you wanna know, I will tell you while we sit under the shade of an oak tree getting drunk on Crystal lite lemonade....), BUT I know that probably everybody else does (and my youngest kid is 13). So we decided, we would have a costume party for the kids (adults can dress up too if they want....even tho some of us are pretty scarey with no help!) with divisions and prizes by age groups - prolly 0 - 5 years, 6 - 10 years, 11- 15 years, and 16 - 21 years. We plan on have a goodie bag (you can call it a trick or treat bag, if'n you want to, but I won't!!!) for each "child" under 21 - in case they are missing their trick or treat time. I was also thinking maybe we would do a carnival type thing with bobbing for apples, fishing pond, and fun stuff like that that is Halloweeny, but could pass as Fall Festival (yeah, I know, it's the same thing, but I have to justify it to myself somehow!). Any thoughts, comments, help, suggestions, etc are gladly accepted. Don't hold back....lemme hear what you think! I am gonna start now collecting little prizes and stuff for the kiddos.....I am thinking NO DOOR prizes because I will spend a bundle just for the stuff I have in mind!!!!!! (Don't tell Jim!!)
I need feedback!!!!
For more info on the park go here:
The only changes that I know of so far is that the costume party for the kids will have slightly different age groups with the tinies being in a separate group and we will also have a fashion show of folks wearing their before clothes....Please plan on coming!
And if you have any ideas, please let us know or feel free to appoint yourself chairman of whatever idea you have!!!! We are easy!