Prayers needed or a baseball bat....
I just got word that my dear mother in law is coming for a extened visit!!! She'll be here thursday and me and the DH are already at each others throats over it! She'll come in here and take over everything!! My whole house will be rank in a matter of minutes after she arrives!! She will start her Thai cookin and choppin up food while she sits in my floor!! And she takes her sweet time cleanin up after her self, i like it done as soon as you get done!! I'll have greens and herbs of everykind takin up all the space in my frig!! Every pot i own will have some type of Thai concotion in it at all times. Her shoes will be outside my front door! And she burns stinky incents! ARE ya'll gettin the picture, here? I need prayers something feirce!! I love her but only for a day or two she says she is stayin all summer!! And she really don't care if she imposes on me or not, and i won't say a thing to her, she's real good with a butcher knife! So if ya'll don't hear from me for awhile i my be found at East Mississippi in Meridian, but i'm sure you wont be able to contact me as i will be in a strait jacket and in a padded room!!! DAWN
Not to worry.
My brother works at East Ms. State Hospital. Of course he has an office job & I'm sure he'd be more than glad to hold the phone up to your head 
I would suggest that if you can drive, you need to start bright & early hitting all the church'es in your area asking for prayers & blessings. It shouldn't & won't matter what your religion is if you explain the problem.
Heck, they may even put you up at the local "Abused Spouse House".
Trust me, after what you have said.... you are being abused !!! 


I'm gonna get the prayer lines open first thing in the morning!! I bet your brother knows my little sister,she done her internship thingie at east she works in newton at CMRC though she knows most people at east her name is Elon Espy she's a phyc nurse practioner. Maybe I'll be able to get in if we pull some strings!LOL
Hmmm I definately know what you mean!!! I cannot stand shoes outside my door! I have a little chest of drawers for shoes and slippers, But it is the norm in Asia. You might explain to her that you live in Military housing and if they catch shoes outside HER Son could get in trouble!!!! You also could get another fridge and put it outside in the carpark or under the patio, and ask her to store her veggies in there, as your house fridge is sooooo full! Tell her you have had surgery and the incense makes you feel ill and could she please burn it on the outside, besides if there are any bad spirits around, they can smell it faster. Tell her you will be at great risk if you get sick!!!!! Buy some cheap pots for her stuff or plastic containers, maybe that will do the trick!!! My helper is indonesian and she has that stuff too! You might could convince her to let you teach her some dishes too, if she is not too stubborn.....Where does she live? Good thing is that maybe she could help with her grandchildren and you and DH could have a bit of time off????
Good ideas Cheryl, but she is very stubborn and she does what she wants and don't even ask! And she's not that bad she is good with the kids and she cooks some very tasty things too, most i cant have now! She lives in Virigina Beach Va so we don't see her very often and my husband loves it when she comes, so i need to be nice! I will have to say something about the incence and the fishy smellin stuff i cant tolerate that right now!! She has friends, other asian ladys, here on the coast i'll ship her off to there houses when she wants to do that stuff! I'm all talk right now, we'll see how i do when she gets here! LOL DAWN