EVERYTHING LA-Z-BOY IS ON SALE!!! I got my recliner for $529 regularly $899, Jim's LEATHER recliner was $829 regularly $1500 or $1600 and the couch was $829 (remember both sides recline) and it runs about $1600!!!! Also matresses are ALWAYS 75% off....When the chairs and sofa are paid off, we are gonna get a new bedroom set....Mr. Troy (the man himself!) said the bedroom suites will be on sale in the falll so that will make it just right! Go to and search on the following codes:
"354" (mine), "433" (jim's) and "433" (couch). Em is in class with Mr. Troy's granddaughter, and I asked if I got a discount cause I was Em's mom and was told I would be charged MORE!!!!!! They are very nice folks!
PS Dawn, what year did you graduate? I taught at Hickory in 1987 (I think)...I was the TAG teacher....we had a mock drug trial.....I have been thinking you were the one charged with drugs....Is it you?

I've known the Brands my whole life , they are wounderful christian people, i love them dearly.I feel like they just about raised all of us kids that went to hickory baptist church! I graduated in 88 and i do remamber you and all the kids that had you thought you were IT and know i know what all the fuss was about! I made bad grades, i'm not proud of it but i just didn't care back then! i remember something about the drug trial, but my brain is fried and i can't remember if i done anything with it or not! I probably did or i wouldn't remember anything at all about it! My uncle worked for Weems mental health back then and i remember getting alot of info on drugs one time for something i was doing at school. DAWN
You made a great deal. I think LazyBoy is one of the most durable brands there is in furniture! Years ago, Mom sent me the recliner which my Grandmother had before she went to the nursing home, it was filthy! My dad wanted to tra****! I have a little green clean machine (Bissell) Loaded it with cleaning fluid put it on the porch, it was summer day and hot, cleaned the devil out of it and left in in the sun to dry. When Dad came back he asked me where the chair came from!!!!! LOL it was the rag he dropped off!!!!! Mom came in later and was so shocked!
When we came to HK, furniture was so Uncomfortable!!!! I found a place which had lazy boy and I paid big bucks for one chair, we took turns sitting in it, Don, me and the dog, now the dog doesnt want to give it up to us~~LOL!!!!! It is almost falling apart after constant use for almost 9 years, we had a guy come and fix it one time, but it still is doing ok....
I plan to buy lazy boy for my den when I come home and maybe I will treat myself to two new chairs this summer since they are on sale!!!!!
If some of you need furniture but have a small budget, a good resource is the Salvation Army in New Orleans. They have a reupholstry program for teaching recovering alcoholics, and they do great work!!! Sofas are around 100 dollars, I got one years ago and my daughter is still using it and it is a sleeper sofa!, heavy as he doublesticks but a good piece of furniture! Sometimes there are nice chairs, dining room furniture with some TLC and a good green machine steam cleaning, can be great! You need a pickup truck to haul your treasures back or rent a uhaul..... They also sanitize mattresses and you can get a nice set for cheap, I got one of those, no stains anywhere, but sprayed them with lysol and put out in sun then put on a mattress pad cover over entire mattress and boxspring just to be sure of no germs, it was like new, extra firm and in perfect shape! You just have to check sometimes it is either feast or famine but when rich people redecorate in NO they do not have garage sales cause it is a bit dangerous so they just give the furniture away to charity! Or if they clean out a house of an older relative they just dump the stuff at one of the charity places!!!!!