MAY HAVE TO...... levy a tax on her subjects!!!!
I went yesterday to Troy Brand (a large furniture place) at Hickory and got some new furniture!!! I got two laz-y-boy recliners and a laz-y-boy sofa that also has recliners in it!!!! I spent a bundle!!!! BUT my sissie-in-law who works at La-z-boy told me that everything I got was at such a good price that she couldn't have gotten the items at cost for that amount! EVERYTHING was on sale.....Jim is getting a LEATHER, BIG MAN RECLINER for father's day!!!!(This is his dream!!!) Actually, he won't get it on Father's Day cause I put it on lay-away....But he knows it's coming!!! If you are in need of a recliner, ALL their laz-y-boys are on sale....and I called around and was told by another well-known furniture store (who is also known for their GREAT sales) to buy it because there was no way they could meet the price!!!!
So if I levy a tax on you guys, you'll know why!!!!!

One one can beat Mr Troys quality and prices, my family always buys from him. i'm going next weekend to look for a new dining table, i need anew sofa too but mama says i can have hers and she'll go to troys and get an new one! And Reed needs a new bedroom suit ,bed and all he's getting his on room when we move next month and he's so excited, so papaw is gonna foot that bill at Troys, I dont think he knows what hes in for! Was the sofas on sale?If so I'll tell B.D. (that's what i call my momma) to go look this saturday! So can i please be excused from the tax as I've got to go to Troys myself? DAWN
The good sale is still very steep to me on my meisly budget! But the parents believe in buying all furniture form Troy Brand, so that means they will help so i'm game! If it were up to me we'ld be living out of a cardboard box!HAHA It's not far from it right now!HAHA My furniture is in bad shape, i think that's why my family doesn't visit me. DAWN
Hey, I can't go buy new furniture either. That is just wishful thinking. I like hand me downs. My sister-n-law likes to get new furniture often so I always buy her old because it is still like new when she replaces it. That is my idea of a good furniture sale. Of course, I like it even better when my mom gets new stuff because she will just give me her old furniture. My sister and I have to take turns getting it though LOL.
Melissa --give your credit cards, bank card, and check book to John. You are a shopaholic. If you go shopping--only buy me stuff. You have enough! I need some new shoes. K?
Did you arm wrestle anyone last night? I told my husband... He laughed his butt off. I told him we were gonna go to the bar tonight and start a brawl.
Hey, if I buy you stuff too can I still shop? I can swing a pair of shoes for you. Do you like payless? I am a shopaholic but a cheap one at least or John would have killed me already. I shop at Hudsons, Dirt Cheap and the sale racks anywhere I can find them. I used to not be quite so bad but shopping seems to have replaced food LOL. Better to shop than eat, I guess.
P.S. If we go get into a brawl will your hubby bail us out or have our backs LOL. Or are we on our own?
I'm a shopaholic too, i do love a bargain! I can see this is going to be an even bigger problem now that i will be able to shop anywhere i want, size wise anyway! I too love Hudsons i went wednesday and got alot of cute shirts for the DH and Reed they had a shipment of Old navy mens stuff and some kids at 60% off . I don't know what sizes to buy for my self my stuff is already gettin real loose!! How long did yall stay in the same size at first? Shopping has always been better than eatting for me if i had a large bank acct i would have never needed the surgery! I'm salavating just thinking about a sale rack!! I too need some new shoes size 10 ! DAWN