Hello All
Hey everyone. Well I am really upset
with myself that I have not been able to keep up with this board. I have been very busy with school
and the kids being out for summer
. The last time I checked on here was like 5 days ago
. And I have not been able to get on since. Like I said before I am real sorry and I hope that everyone is doing well.
*~* Iris *~*

Hey Iris
Don't fret, I haven't been online in two days either, I've been moving and carrying junk upstairs and unpacking blah blah blah.. so I've totally neglected my OH family for just about a week, since I really have been packing and unpacking for a week now
I'm just about finished but need to still go clean the other place since the BOYS are the ones who moved everything and I'm quite sure they didn't pick up after themselves.
Anyways, looks like everyone here's still alive and kicking, so we must not be too hard on ourselves
I'm hopping into my
and then to
Hope to be back in full force by the weekend


Hi Iris, I missed ya but boy do i understand, i couldn't be on here if i had school plus 4kids! i have to neglict mine to get on here has it is!LOL Please don't call DHS ,I'll feed them and change their diapers tomorrow i promise!! HAHA ALL is well with me got to see Our favorite Dr today. He just don't get no uglier, i'm going to take him a paper bag next week to wear over his head so i can remember all my questions! I have them all ready and he walks in the room and my brain turns to mush!! HAHA DAWN
Iris, darling I know the feeling. I have my kids in summer camps but with all the running I have to do to take them and then go back and pick them up because they are in different camps, at different times you would think I was in camp also. I hope everybody is staying cool, I know you guys are on the coast. Could you guys send the rest of us some of tha****er? Hot! Hot! Hot! No fun being big in the summer, I love the winter but I am pretty sure by next summer all this will change.
Take care!!!