Hello All,
I did an update post last night and it was a really long one, but it never showed up on the board and I was not even thinking of going thru it all again.
I came home on Monday which was my 6 month surgery anniversary. I hope to have spent my last day and night in the hospital. I have been in the hospital all of the 6 months except for almost 2 weeks of it, I got to stay at home.
My nerves are really really bad. I have severe anxiety and other mental issuses that I have never had before, but the psych says it is b/c of such a long hospital stay and so many complications. I hope it all gets back to normal as I do.
I had a total of 4 surgeries and even had to have fluid drawn off of one of my lungs, not to mention all the other complications. I really really regret having this surgery, but do hope that I continue to improve, and you guys/gals keep praying for me
I am so sorry to hear of all you went thru. I had you in my thoughts the entire time. I know this has been a long stressful journey for you and your family. I imagine it has taken a huge toll on you emotionally. I am really happy that things seem to be improving for you. Maybe all the complications are a thing of the past and you can heal and maybe get to where you are happy you had the surgery. I know there are lots of complications and I hate it happened to you but you are okay now and on the road to recovery.
How is your husband doing? I know he had back surgery before you went out and then all the troubles you went thru. Are you all okay? Is he okay? What a long hard journey its been for you all.
Please know that we are here for you and if you need anything just let us know. I am curious how much weight you have lost. I know it may be the last thing on your mind but I am curious. You dont have to answer but I am wondering.
Again, I am glad you are back. Its not been the same without you.
I too hope you have seen the last of the hospital. I am so sorry oyu have had such a hard time of it. I pray for you and your family every day. You are the one who told me all about this site and these wonderful people and helped me through my time till surgery. I will be forever gratefull to you for that.
I am praying that you are now on your road to total recovery and to a great life. If there is anything I can do plz let me know.

Bless your heart! I know it has been horrible for you and I am praying that you are out of the hopsital for good. If we can do anything, please let us know. I hope eventually, you get to the point where there is no regret, but I know that will be very, very hard for you to get there after such a long horrible time.
We hope to see you in Morton on Oct 29 at the Bash at Roosevelt State Park. Stay tuned to the board for further details....

Hey Donna
I know all about anxiety and nerves. Feel free to call or write. so good to hear from you.
[email protected]
I can't say I blame you at all. If I had been through
everything you have I would probably regret it too. But
look at the brightside the Good Lord brought you through
it and he will continue to see you through it. Hopefully this
was your last complication and things will be great from hear
on out.
Good luck