visited Tennesee's board and wasn't impressed
Hey Y'all!
I visited Tennessee's message board, and was just being friendly (I am always wanting to make new friends) and introducing myself, and maybe I'm just reading stuff into this, but those people on that board gave me the impression that they are "snooty". Nobody said hello, or nice to meet you, I got nothing. I guess y'all have just spoiled me! Y'all made me feel so welcome when I first came here, I guess I just thought the other message boards would be just as nice. Heck! even Alabama's board said hello!
I mean it doesnt' matter, but I don't know, if someone new came here, I know everybody would go out of their way to say hello. I just go up to Tennesee a lot and thought it would be cool to make some new friends.
Oh well life goes on, but I just thought I would share my experience with yall.

I am so sorry you weren't welcomed more on the other board....If'n they come to the Mississippi board, we have a tendency to name them as honorary Mississippians and then they are stuck for life!!! We had a Texas Turnip for a while....she had her surgery and got too busy, I guess....Now we are plagued
with a Tennessee Turnip!!! (I love 
you very much short n sassy, and I am just kidding!!! We are very glad to count you as one of us!!!!)
PS They are turnips because they turn up on our board alot! And then we keep them!

Hey girl,
The same thing happened to me. I was visiting the post-op preg. board onhere cause for the past 10 years we have had fertility probs. and I am looking to start tring to get pg when i reach my 12 month mark. Well I had a few questions about cycle probs after the surgery. I have a period like every 18 days. Just curious if I can expect it to striagten out or what. And pretty much asked that question and got exactly NO response. Well it pissed me off. lol lol So then I posted that I was sorry that I intruded on their little family there. And boy did I get the responses then. lol lol Like 12 people who were pissed off at me for saything that and that if they had any answers for me about fertilty they would have posted them. Well to be honest My question was not or had nothing to do with fertlity. It was about cycles problems after the surgeyr which I am sure that most every one has after the surgery. Needless to say I dont visit there anymore. I will just have faith that everything will work out on its on. lol lol People on this board are just so great. Like a family around here.
Love ya