Am i askin for trouble?
I had a piece of link sausage 6 or 7 days post op. It didnt hurt me but I posted about it on the main board because I felt guilty. I got flamed big time.
I dont know the impact of eating solids too soon. Your pouch is still swollen and tender. I dont know if you are hurting yourself or not. I am sure you chewed it up really really well.
I just dont know... Be careful what you choose to eat right now. Its still very very delicate. Try eggs instead of chicken. Try cottage cheese or refried beans or maybe some tuna fish. Call your doc and ask him if is okay. Tell him you tried some and felt fine. He may say its okay.
Girl I don't know either. I was a big time
chicken butt when it came to trying new
stuff. I was too scared of getting sick so
I wouldn't do it. I still am scared. But if it
didn't hurt you you must have chewed good
and it might be ok. Just be careful what you
eat we don't want you in the hospital or

Dawn, please be careful! It is not a good idea for you to eat meat right now. I know that you feel you need something of substance, but try something like mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, something that is soft and will digest easy. Your body is getting what it needs, you are not going to starve to death. When your unjury comes in, put a scoop of it in your soup or in your cottage cheese, that will help you get in the protein you need. You don't have to drink it in a shake. It would probably be okay to eat a soft scrambled egg , as long as the egg does not bother you. I can't eat eggs very easily, it hurts my pouch.
I do not do the "dumping" but I have a reaction when I eat sweets or something that I should not eat, my body feels shaky and I get clammy. Almost like I am having a hot fla**** lasts for about 15 minutes and then I am okay. Like today, I was hungry at work and did not take anything with me to snack on, so I ate a couple of bites of a rice krispie treat ( I know, HORRIBLE), well I paid the price and thought I was going to pass out!!
I want you to know that it does get easier, but there is still some problems with not being able to eat what you want to. It seems that after a while, you really don't crave sweets unless you see someone else eating them.
Just be careful, I don't want you to get plugged up. What time is your doctors appt? Call me and let me know how much you have lost!! I will be at work but you can call me at 377-0402.

Ok mama, I'll be better tomorrow! How do you know if you get plugged up and what do you have to do if it happens, not saying it has or anything just courious? Your reaction that you have to the sweets sounds like the discription that i was given of what dumping is all though some have vomiting and dirreha, that's what i was told! But i dont know i ate some yogart lite85 blue bunny brand cherry vanilla, and i got all hot and dizzy a few minutes after i had it, i only had 2 teaspoons. I didn't like that feeling at all,i had vanilla cream same brand and it was fine i guess it was the cherry in it. i haven't craved sweets or coke yet! I just want something that's not liquid! my appt is at 9:30 , i'll let you know,just open your window at work and you should hear me if its bad news!! LOL DAWN
I am not sure how you can tell or what they have to do. But I don't want to find out either, nor do I want you to find out. Yes, I guess that I do have the dumping syndrome, I just don't get the diahrea or vomiting, just the cold sweats and dizziness and it is not a good feeling at all. I thought I was going to pass out today. I have to remember to take me some fruit with me to snack on, if I don't and I get hungry, from now on I will just go over to the commissary and buy myself some.
Have the t.v. commercials about food drove you crazy yet? After I had surgery,they just about drove me nuts, everything looked so good, even stuff that I did not really like.
I am sure your news at the doctors office will be good. Any weight loss at all is good news!! You will do fine, and just think about who you will get to see.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. By the way, I finally seen him when he came out after your surgery and talked to your family and he is quite the hottie!!

I got sick of the liquids and stuff too. Let me tell you what I did. I took a roast and cooked the hell out of it all day long on high in the crock pot in cream of mushroom soup and lipton onion soup mix with a little water. It was so tender it was falling apart. I then took just a little of the roast and put it into the food processor with some of the gravy and blended it. It was not pretty but it tasted so good. That way it was not liquid but more puree. I felt like I had gotten to eat something real. I also ate refried beans with lots of cheese mixed in and melted into them. That was good to the pouch. My doc said the problem with eating solids too soon is the pouch is not healed and solids can cause problems if not really careful. But my doctor had us on puree and soft foods at 2 to 3 weeks out so I would think you are doing fine. Like Christine said you didn't do something horrible. Every day is a new day. You see your doc today and he may tell you to go ahead with the soft foods. You just never know.
Good luck, and let us know how your appointment goes.