Lost 331/2 pounds!
Hey Ya'll
I am soo excited! I weighed in at my WW meeting Saturday, and I have lost a total of 331/2 pounds!
If I keep losing it like I have these past three months, I will hit my goal of losing 60 pounds before surgery! That will just make it so much easier to move around after I have it!
I went to the cardiologist and he put me on the treadmill... I thought I was going to DIE before I got off, he did a stress test
and he got my heart rate up to 184, I literally thought I was about to fall out! He said that the average 27 year old could go as fast as he had me going ... (I don't know exactly how fast, but it was a pretty good jog and he had me on a steep incline at that!) for about 10 minutes. Average meaning weighing around 150 pounds. He said I went for 7 minutes, so being that I weigh 300+ pounds he said I did excellent, and he cleared me for surgery! yay!
I am now waiting to do my sleep study, I am on the cancellation list, so maybe they can squeeze me in with that, but if not mine is scheduled for June 30.
Well that's about what's new with me ... Dawn its good to see you back! Hope you are feeling well. You are just as I imagined you to be! I don't think that's a bad picture of you! You are really pretty!
Take Care!

Hey girl, 331/2 lbs that's great! I got your card, that was so sweet of you! Glad i didn't have to do that treadmill thing i would have passed out! You may be skinny before you get your surgery! And girl that's a horriable pic of me and i'm not fishin either, can't wait to get a new one (skinny one) up! Have you looked on my profile, my chirrens pics are on there and they are pretty!! I go wednesday to see if i've lost any afraid it wont even be colse to 33 lbs though! DAWN