Smelly problem!!!!
Did ya'lls sence of smell change after surg? Lately things that never botherd me much before are makeing me want to
my cats food for one he's been eatting it for years and it never really smelt good but now its horriable, and Donnie cooked shrimp and used lot of thai seasonings I uesd to love how it smelt and now it smells gross!! I was aware that your taste changed but not smell! Will it go back to normal eventually? DAWN

I have to say I thought I was the only one with this problem. Not only has my sense of smell changed but I think all of my senses have changed. A lot of noise bothers me now, my taste buds have changed, I can not stand sweet things anymore, but most of all the sense of smell. I can not even clean out my cats litter box now, Julian or Brandon has to do it. I will barf for sure. Feeding them don't bother me too bad. Bad breath bothers me, the smell of anything that is sour or foul.
Not to mention, MY smell has changed. My hormones have made my smell change. Not to mention, I think I stay dehydrated. I can smell it in my urine. This may be getting too personal but it drives me nuts! I am a very clean person and I am here to tell you that I am not very self concious about my smell. My husband says he can't smell me or anything and that I don't stink, but I can smell myself sometimes. I guess it is a hormonal thing. Just be sure to sip sip sip, so you don't have the dehydration smell in your urine. It is horrible!!
I don't know if this is all normal or if it is just me, I have not wanted to mention it due to embarrassment. But oh well... we are all family here.
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better! Every day gets better, wait until you step on the scales and see how much you have lost at your first appointment, it will sure make you feel good!

Lord don't tell me i'm gonna stink too. I can't handle that i sure hope someone will tell me instead of letting me be smelly!Leave it to me to bring up the ole elephant in the room that noone wants to talk about!LOL I've got something new to be paranoid over! I guess I'll hit the bath and body store this weekend! I'm sceared about my dr appt though i don't feel or look and differant, i will be so disapointed if i haven't lost some! You didn't awnser my question about my picture , did you do that too? DAWN
Well i wonder how in the cats behind they done that, i just assumed you done it since you put the other ones on for me! I don't mind them but this close up mug shot is bad! I almost don't want to make any post!haha just kiddin, Ya'll cant get rid of me that easy! I'll change it after about 50 lbs, that shouldn't take but about a week or two huh?LOL DAWN
I notice smells that nevered bothered me before
either. I guess it just comes with it. I have
noticed lately that I'm alot more moodier than
normal. I hope that gets better soon. Don't worry
about going to the dr. You will have lost weight.
When I went back 10 days after surgery I had lost
21 pounds. I was amazed because I certainly didn't
feel like I had. So watch out you may shock yourself.

I feel pregnant as for as smells and gag reflex. It gets better but at first I was the same way. I don't tolerate things like odors and bad tasting things like I did before surgery.
I am so computer illiterate that my picture is not even up yet. Your not missing anything though. ha
So glad you are up and about.
That's how i feel too, my husband even ask if i was! I had my tubes tied 2yrs ago so it's not that! I hear ya on been computer illiterate, Rhonda had to put my pics on my profile for me and i don't know how this lovely mug shot showed up , she or i didn't do it! Maybe someone will own up to the prank though!

The website moderators may just take the pic from your profile and put it up automatically. I don't imagine anyone else did it.
As far as the "smell", I think I am just paranoid because I know how my urine smells from being dehydrated all the time that I am self conscience about my body smelling when it really doesn't. Just don't let yourself get dehydrated and you won't have anything to worry about.
Talk to you soon,
That's the only thing i can think of ,they otta be ashamed of themselves doing that to me!Haha Girl why ya letting yourself get so dehidrated, drink! I'm affraid i'm drinking to much! I feel so full all of the time, my pouch hurts! ( i'm not supposed to call it a pouch no more though , my daddy don't like that word, he's nuts!) I guess i don't stink, but my cats food and litter box sure do and donnie just changed it last night! DAWN