Back from N'Awlins
Well, we are back and had probably one of the best weekends we have ever had the whole time we have been married! This is the first time that I have felt like going out walking around a whole lot. Boy, we walked and walked. We had a lot of good food, well I did not have a LOT of food, but what I had was YUMMY. By the way, I was able to drink alcoholic drinks and it did not make me sick at all. I also had a small piece of praline and some peach cobbler. Luckily, sugar did not bother me this time. We visited the D-Day museum, my husband LOVED that! It was very interesting. We stayed across the river from the French Quarter at the Naval Base, we had a very nice two room suite overlooking the river. We were able to take the Ferry back in forth, did not drive in N.O. but once, the rest of the time we spent walking. I just can't describe how much fun we had!!

Here is the link to the site with the numbers and things for the Navy base. It was very convenient to the French Quarter and stuff. Only $43 a night for a two room suite! It was great, and the ferry across the river with your vehicle was only $1 and free if you were walking not riding.

Since moving to Mississippi John and I have spent two weekends in New Orleans. The first one I was heavy and could not walk as much as I would have liked and I was burning up. We went this past Halloween for the weekend because of my friend's wedding and we walked all over New Orleans. John got tired before I did. It was a wonderful feeling not to be hindered by my weight. I am so glad you got to experience that too. It is just so gratifying, isn't it? You sound like you just had a marvelous time. I am so glad you got to go and the weather did not mess you guys up. It was probably not too hot either. It was actually cool here yesterday.
John would probably love the D-Day museum. Where is that in N.O.? We may have to check that out next time. We have been wanting to take the kids to the zoo there too.
The D-Day museum was not to far from where Harrah's was, maybe about six blocks or so. It was on Magazine Street. Just a couple of blocks from where Emeril's restaurant is. Maybe you guys can go one weekend with us.
It is great that I could go and go and go... I don't remember the last time that I could walk that much without complaining that something hurt. My hubby was complaining that his feet hurt, but not me.. The weather was pretty nice, we got about a five minute shower on Friday night, but that is all the rain we seen all weekend. Yesterday was great weather, today was too hot! We had a great time.
Please be very careful about walking in the Quarter!!! During the day it is ok but at night it can be dangerous! Do not wear gold jewelry or nice clothes, it can target you as a tourist, and if anyone does hold you up give them what they want immediately!!!! Oh, no purse either and very little money with a rubber band around it in your front jeans pocket..... Now it is tooo hot to go down there and if you do, park behind the moonwalk cause it is closer to everything! You can also park in the park n ride in Kenner and take the bus downtown. Not too expensive and your car will be safe.... Do not leave anything in your car!!!!! Not even a cheap hat or anything or you will have windows bashed!!!!! Pay to go on the cemetaries tour, cause you can be robbed if you go alone and Algiers just off base can be dangerous too, it is in a very very bad neighborhood!!!
I am no expert on New Orleans, but I have been there several times over the last few years. About 95% of the people that we saw when we were there were tourists. We felt very safe walking down all the streets in the quarter, sure there are bums there, as there are in every town and I am sure that there are criminals. I felt just as safe there or even more safe than I would on some of the streets here in Biloxi. We did not witness any type of crimes at all. Algiers was a very quite town, we barely seen anyone on the streets there. We drove pretty much all over that town. I don't know how long ago you visited or lived in New Orleans, but I think the time that the crime may be bad is during Mardi Gras when there are many more people there. This past weekend it seemed that everyone was there for the same reason, to have fun! I would not post negative stuff about a town unless I seen the bad stuff happen for myself, I have heard all of the horror stories of over there, but have not witnessed any of it first hand. As for ANY time, there is safety in numbers, and you should never go anywhere alone. If you see someone who looks suspicious, stay clear of them. Most of the native street acts and street people, are looking for donations for the entertainment purposes that they provide. If you stop and listen to the act, then you should tip, if you don't want to tip, don't stop and listen just keep movin!
I think everyone has their right to their own opinion of a place. I for one, think everyone should experience New Orleans once in their lifetime. It is a very fun and happening place!! Not to mention the food is the BEST I have ever tasted!