Dauphin Island Bound
We were supposed to head out to Dauphin Island today but it was evacuated. So we are leaving in the morning -that is if we still have a house. We will be back Tuesday evening so yall wish us luck that the storm is all gone. Should be good for sea shell scouting. All that bad weather seems to bring them in. It also brings in the nasty seaweed and jelly fish. We will have fun anyway.
I will try to check the boards so I dont miss anything exciting... Gonna finish packing. Talk to yall Weds.
I have been thinking about you today. I will call you tomorrow when we are headed out. Maybe you will be back from church. We are going to church in the morning and heading out from there so if I happen to call you while in church call me back.
I have a good feeling about next week and you know I am here for you.
I forgot to mention we were going. Originally we were just gonna go for the day on Monday but we decided to go on and go and stay for a few days. I need a mini vacation. I would stay the whole week but I am limited on vacation days. I need what I got left to last. I get my 3rd week in Jan and I am so looking forward to that.
Tell Catherine I am gonna find her the prettiest seashell I can.
Talk to you soon.
I will tell Catherine to expect a seashell. She loves them. I need to take her to Dauphin Island one day. We have never taken her. We have taken Stephens several times with John's sister when visiting them. They live in Mobile. We had said next time we visited them we would do the battleship or Dauphin Island.
My weekend has not been so good. I have been really worried and stressed out over my situation at work. So my tummy has been really messed up. I slept on the couch with Catherine most of the afternoon yesterday. That was nice as I had not slept the night before. The weather was perfect for nap taking. Catherine and I were on the couch and John was in the recliner. We were all snoozing away. Just remember me next week.
Have a good time and enjoy your mini vacation. Wish I was going with you.
Love ya bunches,
Hey Christine,
I don't think you need to worry too much about having a house.. I'm rather surprised at the way this storm has practically passed us by. This morning I thought it was starting, it got windy and then ::::poof:::: it stopped.
So I said to myself, let me go walk my baby-boy around the block a few times before it starts again, but it never did. This whole time we were under a Hurricane WARNING.. and nothing ever happened. They said we'd get wind of 40-60 mph.. nothing.
Honestly I'm almost a bit disappointed. My hubby is on leave and this would have probably been the ONLY storm he'd ever been home for, since normally they have to report on board and ship out the very second we get warnings of a storm. For Ivan I had to pack up and leave without his help, and anything that happens the next 5 months will be on my own as well. That sucks.
I finally had my big strong protector here for me to snuggle up to and look into his eyes , frightened and all.. and nothing happens!! Geez
Anyways, you guys have a safe trip, and a good time @ Dauphin Island!