Dex, I am getting a bit worried....where are you???? Are you on vacation? Are you ill? Are you ignoring us? Are you gonna design us a t-shirt for the Morton Bash? Do you still love us? Why weren't you at H'burg last Sunday? Have the trolls gotten you? Do we need to whup up on your pretty little wife so you can come out and play with us? What's up?

Hey Arlies!
I'm around, just busier than a "1-Armed Paper Hanger!"
I picked up a couple of extra shows out of town this summer,
My Dad has had some health issues and I've been trying to
Get that squared away,
(a couple or quick trips to Texas, and a lot over the phone.)
And Missus Dx has been dealing with a close student of her's
In the hospital down in Jackson with Lymphoma.
Her student actually passed on this last week and my wife
Was at the funeral this morning in Biloxi.
With Missus in and out of town, and me in and out of town,
Both of us working like crazy to juggle our son's summer schedule,
I've been just running past the board for the last few weeks.
I actually thought that I was going to get to make it to the bash,
But at the last minute went out to Texas to deal with Dad.
He had emergency surgery for Major colon cancer.
They removed all but 5 inches of his large intestine.
The good news is that the cancer had not spread to the
Liver or any of the Lymph glands. The Dr.s and Surgeons
Were completely surprised by the pathology reports.
That Prayer is an awesome force!
So, that's me in a nutshell these last few weeks.
Hopefully this will quiet down after I get back
From Boston July 12th.
I go up to Northshore Music Theater June 27.
Then off to Connecticut to the Cape Playhouse the end of July.
I'm planning on being at the October Event!
I'm glad that it is closer.
See you round the Boards!
Best Wishes-