HELP !!!!!
Honey, that won't be the only time you cry over food! I get so mad sometimes and sad too because I miss my best vocation I ever had - food. I told Psycho Doc, that is the hardest thing to get over and when Jim and Em are eating alot of something real good, sometimes I just want to strangle them. I have cried several, several times because I am "missing out". But stop yourself and ask what it is you are really missing out on.....early death? being miserable and uncomfortable? Not being able to buy cute clothes, other words NOTHING!!!! But it still hurts pretty bad sometimes. When you get to the pureed stage, you can have anything that fits into the blender and can be pureed, BUT be careful what you put in there!!! Fatty foods or greasy foods are not often tolerated and I doubt a choclate cake (tho I've been tempted to try it!) would be either!!!
Eventually, you will get to the point where you can maybe eat a thin crust bit of pizza or the topping, but most have too much grease. You have spent your entire life completely and totally devoted to food.....breaking up is hard to do.....
Hang in there girl, we's all got your back!

Thanks Arlies, Today is much better than yesterday! I sent Donnie out after me some egg-drop soup yummmy it felt so good and went strait through my pouch. OH i also had something that maybe i shouldn't of but it felt great too, I had about 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, I mashed it up real good and chewed and chewed some more and it felt great. I hope i don't regreat it later!! DAWN
If there is anything I can do to help you please
let me know. Head hunger can be hard, very hard
to deal with. You might want to go in the other
room when the family eats. If it is where you can
and try not to watch too many food commercials
they will starve your tail to death. I hope you
get to feeling better soon.