CAn we take citracel and metamucil
I am having bathroom problems. Not severe but I dont' want to get really bad. Plus it probably slows my weight loss. I need some suggestions for maybe something daily.
I joined Curves and went 2x this week. It is hard for me because it is so fast paced but it will be worth it. I am getting all soft and muchy so something is sure needed. haha
It is pleasant but muggy in Poplarville. Still wondering if we will get the weather tonight or in the am.
Stay safe all you coasters!
I dont know about metamicel and citracel but my nurse told us to use Milk Of Magnesia or a tablespoon of mineral oil every 3 days. I think we all go thru this. I do too... Sometimes its really miserable. Call your doc and ask him. I am sure they get that question all the time.
We were supposed to head out to Dauphin Island today but it was evacuated. So we are leaving in the morning -that is if we still have a house. We will be back TUesday evening so yall wish us luck that the storm is all gone. Should be good for sea shell scouting. All that bad weather seems to bring them in. It also brings in the nasty seaweed and jelly fish. We will have fun anyway.
Your doing great Jane! Keep it up!
I dunno about those, but I had two bouts of constipation in the last five months and they were rather recent. I took Dulcolax (over the counter and available at Wal-mar). It is a stool softner. Then i quit eating, but drank EVERYTHING I could until it all worked out!
(Sorry about the pun!). Keep your liquids very high and that helps with the bathroom problems. Then after I got over the first go-round, I immediately got constipated again and did the same thing. I haven't (knock on wood) had any trouble since. I'd be very, very disinclined to take anything that will swell in your tummy (metamucil, for one...I don't know about citracel) but it could be painful and possibly dangerous as well.....

hey, jane. i would not use metamucil for sure. as a young nurse years ago, i mixed up a glass of water and metamucil powder at the nurses station, then walked it down the hall to my patient. by the time i got there with it, the spoon would stand up straight in the mixture. needless to say, my patient could not drink it, since it should be mixed and drank immediately. the reason it works in the intestine is the bulk. in fact, the mixture actually gets like concrete, so i would be very afraid to put that in my new, small pouch. i use a stool softener called SENOKOT S and it works well. it does not cause cramping. i have only had to use it once since surgery, but used to take it 2-3 times a week before surgery. it is good, i hope it works for you. i get mine at walmart. janice