Update, its been a while!
Hello my MS family-
Its been a while since I have updated so I have alot to say. On 6/1/05 my great grandpa died. It was really really hard for me. We buried him on 6/3/05. He called everyday asking about how I was. Which meant the world to me. The only other people that called while I was in MS for surgery was my aunt Helen, and my cousin, Tina. I still miss him so much. I think about him often. I lost one of the people who cared most for me in the world. Its so hard to even write this w/o crying. He truely was a good good man. He loved his family and we all loved him. Its really hard because everyone else in my family doesn't ask how I am since surgery unless they see me. Which shows they really don't care they are just being polite. Every single day he called. I wish he would have known how much that meant to me. The whole world. Upon him being sick for a while and in the hosptial then his death I haven't been eating good at all. Right after his death I didn't really eat period. I was just so upset. It took me a wee****il I started eating right again. Which I know hasn't helped me w/my weight loss. I just layed around and did practically nothing. Things are better now, but I still think of him often and miss him so much. But he is in heaven now and I'm glad. He is w/my 1st mama and 2nd mama (his 2 wifes). His last words to me was "I love you too". He passed at 9:10 p.m. on 6/1/05.
I got rid of my old internet too that is another reason I haven't been on as much. Now we have a faster internet. Since school is out I've had my days and nights mixed up. Which I'm hoping this week gets back to normal considering I have my next Doctor's appointment on 6/23/05. I will be driving there, my dad and mom usually go w/me. My mom is going w/me. She doesn't want me to be alone. My dad has to work and so does hubby. So hopefully me and mom will do good.
My hubby's b-day is tomorrow. 6/12/05 He turns 22! We are going fishing w/my dad. I can't wait! I've been wanting to go. Even though I don't bait the hook or touch the fish when I catch it! LOL! So they will be doing all of the work like usual. Here in a bit I'm going to go dig worms w/my nephew and sis. Well I'm going to dig. My nephew, Derrick, is going to touch them! LOL! He can't wait! He loves worms and to get dirty! My sis, Nina, is going incase I need to move something that is too heavy. I will be on full activity on 6/23/05 and pureed hopefully. This full liquids is killing me. As I have heard its the hardest. Boy is it ever! I so want real food!! Thats it for now they should be here soon! Until next time!
May 13, 2005
21 yrs old, 5'1
233/ 214/ 120
Wow!!! You are doing great with the weight loss!
I am so sorry about your grandpa, but I know he knew how much the calling you everyday meant. It is tough for you now, but bear in mind, Heaven is so much better than what we have here that he wouldn't come back if he could! He is having a blast and the greatest reunion of all! And someday you will see him again... And you can come cry to us any ole time....alot of us know how it feels to lose somebody important to them.
Now, to happier thoughts.....You are an honorary Mississippian, so we are fully expecting you and your family in Morton on Oct 29, 2005 at Roosevelt State Park for the picnic/carnival/bash....Be there or we will come hunt you down!!!! It will be the invasion of the century if Mississippi has to invade Tennessee to find you!!!!!
PS Tell hubby Happy Birthday from the Queen

So very sorry to hear about the death in your family. That is a very stressful time for everyone. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.
You are doing really good. Keep it up. I am glad I did not have to be on full liquids that long. That would have been awful. I am not envious of you on that.
Post more often. We have missed you!