Pouchie ouchie!!!
Hey, you need to call them... they are moving people in already, and they got a few more units... do you have their number? I have it, call me/ email me and I'll get it to ya !!
I am SO excited about moving. yeahhhh.. no more bills haha, well, except my internet / cable but hey, that's peanuts compared to my husband's electricity bill in the summer ROFL
Yhea , we have been on the list they said they were fillin up the first fase with navy and then when the second fase is ready (soon, i hope) we can move in .We have already been approved for a 4 bedroom and some of them arenot ready yet!! i love living in military lease , i hate writeing out bills every month much eazier to have them take it from you.I've never lived in strictly military housing, i think i will like it, are there any down sides to it? DAWN
Hey Dawn, I been emailing you LOL
I dont think there are downsides, I mean, you don't throw wild parties, sell controlled substances out of your house and stuff, eh? LOL They may make inspections, although with all the housing I've previously lived in, I 've never had an inspection yet, I think that's in case someone tips them off, thinking there may be someone who's not very "clean" or something, I dunno, could be just random, but they DO tell you they will come inspect ahead of time, so you can pick it all up ??
I love living in housing, girl. No bills, all military around you, it makes me feel a lot more secure than out here in BFE, I've found military families to be nice to live around, we all go through the same things so there's tolerance and togetherness when you need it. I gotta find out about the grass cutting though, I think you may have to cut your own grass ( inside the fenced yard ) in which case I gotta buy a lawnmower.. hmmm.. or a goat?
Can you believe my new address is SO NEW, it won't even show on mapquest yet? The cable company had to get directions for it, they said they had to go survey it first ( this may take 5-7 business days ) and then contact me back for an appointment so they'd come out to hook up our services... well, I gave them directions on Thursday and since cable is already out there, I thought I'd call'em yesterday to see if they checked it out yet.. and they DID!! OMG!! So I was able to set up an appointment, and they'll be out on Tuesday morning to hook us up. That was surprisingly quick, but you guys know, them kids can't deal with NO CABLE and of course, I can NOT go without my internet, having to use my computer at work for this is a no-no and the computers designated for internet access are slow as molasses, I'm spoiled
Looks like Cable One is getting better

Sounds great , i like clean although you wouldn't know it sometimes around here!! LOL So cableOne will be our provider? What about telephone is it bellsouth, hope so that's who i have now and i just got a new DSL contract with them!! i've only seen the inside of a four bedroom and it was unfinished, but it looked great, large laundry room !!!I have a closet now! And lots of storage space!! I'll be very upset if something happens and we can't move in soon!! At least if it happens now i wont have to lift anything, i'll just sit back and give orders!!lol DAWN
Yep, phone is Bellsouth but I'm not getting a homephone, there's a Cingular tower just on the other side of I-10 and I get full bars at the new house, so we'll be using cells rather than a landline. Yes, those laundry rooms are huge! And a Garage!! Now my bebeh will stay nice and clean during bad weather
You oughta call housing on monday and find out when they plan on letting people move into the 4 BR's...
I don't do any lifting.. my excuse is " honey you don't want me to end up with a hernia, do you? you know what the doctor said, I can get one even as far as 18 months out" hehehehe.. not an excuse, it's the truth!! I will pack and unpack and clean but I refuse dragging heavy furniture around

________HIJACK _______
Cool, girl, I was hoping someone else knew where this is at, people seem to go "huh? where?" when I mention it. Yeah, it's right there behind the shell station, whenever you decide to come on down, let me know I 'll give you the directions/ address whatever, I cant wait to see you all guys and someone ELSE be living around me.. I feel like the outcast here in 'goula, honestly, but since we're here for at least another two years, I said "lets go for it and move"... it'll save us a bunch of money for utilities AND gas... It will only take me 5 minutes to get to work rather than 30 haha
Anyone know a babysitter in this immediate area who can watch a 5 yr old for a couple of hours after she gets off the bus??? I'd sure appreciate any info