Pouchie ouchie!!!
My new pouch feels full and destedned most of the time. I'm drinking constantly, I'm sceared to get dehidrated , i dont want to end up in the hopsital! Is it normal to feel this full? And Is it ok our should i let myself get hungery before i drink again?
Thanks everyone for your replys eariler, I love all of you . But my head hurts and i'm kindda sad
and depressed right now.
I promise I'll get back to my old self and post back to everyone a.s.a.p. Please noone think i'm ignoreing you Its almost all i can do to make myself post my questions and read the relpys!!! I'm lightheaded and not thinking very clear ! LOVE YA'LL DAWN

You need to take it easy and don't worry
about us. We will be fine and get all the details
later. I felt full but not overly full. You might
need to ask someone who had your dr and see
what they felt like. It took me a while to drink
constantly. You are just doing great you are
one tuff little cookie. Hang in there it will get
better. It will take you a few weeks to get all
you energy back.

Just keep sipping along - slow, tiny sips. Don't wait until you get hungry or you'll never sip!!!! At first anyhow....Just relax and take it easy. Don't worry about us, we'll muddle thru until you are perking better. But holler with any questions or problems! We love you....chant...."Tomorrow will be a little bit better.....Tomorrow will be a little bit better... Tomorrow will be a little bit better...."

Hi Dawn!
Your pouch is grouchy as hell right now and is very upset, so anything u put in it, will make it feel full. This will last the first month, and youre just starting out, so dont stress with the water, do what you can, don't make yourself sick ok?
Hope you're ready for the storm ? Not that I think we get much but we've been updated to a hurricane watch right now. Yuck.
Hey, did you know the new military housing out on Hwy 57 and I-10 has started letting people move in? Just thought I'd mention it... we're moving
Yeah.. waiting till Tuesday though to move, don't think we wanna try this with hurricane at our doostep LOL
Take care girl..
holler if you need something!

I think most people feel a little depressed when they come home after a surgery. You feel a bit overwhelmed cause you are weak and tired. Just do as much as you can, drink a little and then a little more, give your kidneys time to work, and dont put off going to use the bathroom! If you can tolerate it, maybe a warm drink may help you more, You are swollen inside from the surgery, dont worry, it will go away, and then in a few weeks you will begin to feel great! (Advice from my previous big, big, open hernia surgery!!!!)
Ok you are now in the competition to win the size 16 swimsuit up for grabs! Arlies is really gunning for it!!!!! Bright pink with gold and cute cute cute!!!!!!
PS. that would be kewl if both of yall moved to the new complexes then we could all get togeather!!! woo hoo!!
I know where that is at its in Vancleave, well just on the edge of OS and Vancleave!! woo hoo now i know where to find you when i come to visit my dad....YEAH!!!! I also have a good friend that lives just on the other side of the shell station just before you get to I-10. Jus****ch out when your driving on 57 at night, because she was comming thru there last night and hit a horse in the middle of the street, and it totaled her van. She had all 3 of her kids with her (my god-daughters) But everyone was ok and no one needed to go to the hospital...oh and my cousin is a state trooper and works that area...he is a Gazzo. I know this is completely off track here but I just thought i would let ya know! hehehe...so now when I come down maybe we can actually get togeather instead of missing each other like last time...lol
Angie Bea
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo Not the Gazzo hwy trooper lol I remember him from the time he stopped a friend of mine and asked to see in the trunk and when the boy opened it there was a huge snake and Officer Gazzo left reather quickly lol.
ok enough on that.
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwn I am so happy you joined us losers and I promise it gets better day by day just hang in and be safe. We will all be here when you feel like chatting. Congrats again Hun
Barry-91 and heading for that century mark asap