I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone, I'm home I got home around 2:00 yesterday, Would have been on here eariler but my kids jacked up my puter and it's taken me this long to get her runnin! I'm doing great except for the ole head hunger! I'm doing good getting the fluid down but I hate the protein shakes and the liquid zantic YUCK!! I'm not in any pain can't say i've really had much pain at all only pushed the morpine pump 3 times in the hospital and only cause my momma wouldn't leave me alone about it! I feel like i've donw a few to many sit-ups, thats all!! I probably wouldn't have done the surgery if i had known that i would have been under 6and 1/2 hrs though!! But that's behind me now and i'm on the losing side!!! I can't wait to get off these shakes i want some thing that's not sweet and cold!!! And not bullion either! Would it hurt me to have a cup -of soup yet, or is this to thick?? Any suggestions on getting though this next week is greatly appreciated,then I'll worry about getting through the puree week
!!! So glad to be back on here with ya'll, DAWN

Congratulations on your WLS!! Welcome to the losing side. I don't know what your dr recommended, but with mine, it was ok for us to have strained soups. So, I would buy chicken noodle and strain everything out of it and eat the broth. It was much better than just plain broth. And we also could have jello. But, that idea might be of some help.
Another thing we could have was sugar free popsicles. To this day, I will not eat jello!! LOL. I was so sick of broth and jello by the time my two week appointment came around. But, I lost 32 lbs. between the surgery and that first appointment. I'm 3 months out now, and I've lost about 60 lbs. So, it's worth it, but I had head hunger so bad for a while that I really wondered if I'd done the right thing. Anyway, congrats on the surgery!! It gets soooooo much better, I promise!!
Hey Dawn,
It's great to hear your home and doing good.
Girl it took me a week before I got back on the
computer you must be doing really good. Can't
help you on the soup thing your dr and mine was
totally different. I didn't start protein shakes until
4 weeks out. Anyway hope things keep going

Hang in there. The first few days are the worst. You will notice that there are WAY TO MANY food commercials on televsion. Not to mention, everything looks good and you can't have it. It sucks royally but trust me, it gets better! Eat LOTS of popsicles and stay busy without doing anything very strenuous. Read a good book or something to pass the time by. I did the chicken noodle soup thing too, I just drained the juice off and warmed it up and drank it. I also drank juice off of cabbage, or any other broth from things that we cooked. When is your first follow up appointment? Be strong, you can do it!

I am so glad you are back. We have missed you greatly. I cant believe you were out for 6.5 hours. Why did it take so long? I understand about getting tired of sweet and cold. I wanted warm. If you have soup -dont get chuncky soup - get like vegetable soup and only do the liquid. Dont try the chunks yet. I dont see how it is any different than the shakes.
I had you some shakes too in my car at the bash but I forgot to give them to you.
So glad all is okay with you and your kids were fine while you were gone. I know your husband is probably really glad your back!
hey christine, thanks for posting that thread for me.You're so smart! My surgery took longer because they had to remove a large lypomia ( fatty turmor) from my rib cage they thought it would only take 20 mins to remove it, but it was deeper than they thought in between my ribs and into the muscle and it took 2and 1/2 hours to remove it, and another thing that kept me out longer is when my DR got in the OR they had put out the wrong trays of insturments and they had to go and redo it and i was already asleep , needless to say he wasn't happy with the OR staff that day!! My kids did live through it! But my Dh brung my little boy to the hospital in a t-dye t-shirt and camafloge shorts!!! I could have died!!The rest of the crew looked fine.They ate out almost every meal and now they are rotten and don't wont to eat at home! They gotta get over that one! I'm not so sure if he's glad to have me back or not I'm a bit bossy!!!!!!! DAWN
Glad you are back and doing so well. My doctor allowed me to eat strained soups. I found that buying chicken noodle and putting it through the strainer was better than boullion. I also made homemade soup and strained that. YOur hubby could do that for you. The pureed stage is much better. Lots more choices there.