OT : Get Ready For
Hey Folks,
this is for all of you out here who were planning on doing something fun / outdoors this weekend ... I hope you guys are ready to just spend the weekend inside. I'm getting the first signs here of TS Arlene, the very far outlying band of thunder, lightning & rain and it's looking nasty outside already. As I'm at the tip of the state, I thought I'd make you all aware of this so you don't leave the house without your umbrellas and keep an eye on the flooding !!
Be careful out there this weekend !!
Yeah Andie its ugly here too and I hate storms, period!!! So this one is worse. I hope the base tells us to leave. I really don't want to be here, in this house for a storm. For Ivan I was in the Hospital on base (giving birth to my daughter) And I have no reason to stay for this one. But if I leave without them telling us to then I have to pay for everything myself
So I am keeping my fingers crossed that the storm weakens or they tell us to leave.
*~* Iris *~*

I went to GA for Ivan and luckily got paid to go. However, this storm is not bad enough for them to tell us to leave. We won't get much if any destruction off of this, just lots of rain and possibly flooding in the area. Just stay indoors and keep the kids out of the weather. Everything will be fine.
See ya soon,
Thanks for the heads up! I LOVE weather, but not the destruction that goes with the hurricanes and tornados. I lived thru several huricanes when we lived on the coast and I always came home to Decatur when they came. Batten down and hold on!!! Ya'll are getting so skinny, and we don't want you blown away.

I was jus****ching the weather channel, looks like Alabama may get more off of this than we do. It was saying that the East bands of the storm are going to dump more rain than any of the rest of the storm. Sorry Andie.. sounds like you are going to have a very wet weekend. We are supposed to leave this afternoon for New Orleans for the weekend, but I don't know at this point if we are going or not. What fun would it be if we are stuck in the hotel the whole time... well on second thought, that might be fun..
We only have this weekend and next left all alone and then we will have a house full of kids. Yikes!!
Stay dry and safe..

okay, now this is just typical for a storm like that.. this morning and all through the day, we had pretty hard showers and now.. omg.. looking outside, its SUNNY lol
I hope I didn't worry you guys , I'm not actually thinking it'll hit us here in MS but maybe a bit of wind.. we seem to be on the west side, hopefully this will blow over with not much trouble, but ya never know, right??
Keep safe and dry this weekend,