Repost from March surgery Board and Main board

on 6/7/05 4:59 am - New Hebron, MS
Original Post by Terriberrie C at 11:36 AM PST on 06/05/2005 Jacksonville, FL - RNY (03/25/2005) So yesterday I am having a great day- spend the morning and afternoon witn MIL and SIL, came home to get the hubby and older son (little one was with me already). We went out to eat and then went to Target. I picked out a few items and was just walking into the area with the nightgowns and such and as I was passing this rack of clearance items this women said to me that the bras were nice and she forgot her reading glasses and could not read the sale price. I looked and told her the price and started to move away and she asked me to help her find a certain size for her. I did not think anything of it and started helping her- then she said since the price was so good she would get some for her sister and had me look for another size- she even have me look for a black one in the size she wanted and those were at the bottom of the rack near the floor. I helped her find a total of 4 bras and then she said thank you and left. Something nagged at me and I immediately checked my purse (which was in the buggy and is the reason I feel stupid) I 1st noticed that my phone was missing- it was in a small pocket at the top then I looked for my wallet/change purse was also missing. I went to the front of the store and alerted security and spent 15 minutes watching the door to see if I could see the person- no luck, then another 45 minutes watching security tapes - no luck - we called and cancelled the debit card 1st then the xredit card - when we called them, someone had already tried to use the card!! Thank goodness it was maxed out and they could not use it. All they ended up getting was $20 cash and my liscense, insurance card and the cards we cancelled and the brand new $230 phone I got for Valentines day- Ladies watch your purse every second and beware if someone seems to be distracting you or overly friendly. I sure learned a lesson and will have to take a day off to replace all my cards !!! Terri
Arlies Q
on 6/7/05 8:30 am - Brandon, MS
Evil things will come back to haunt those that take advantage of nice folks helping others out....... God'll get 'em.....just you wait and see... Thanks for the headsup! I love my Bears! Smoochies ARlies
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