Did I hear a rumor about October and Six Flags?????? I was thinking an October get-together would be good, and was gonna call Roosevelt State Park in Morton since it is sort of near the center of MS to see about a pavilion.....But Six Flags sounds like a GO to me!!! Let's hear some of the details to this rumor I have uncovered!!!!
Smoochies & Big Hugs
PS off the the automobile hospital to see if my poor wrecked truck can feel a bit better (I got hung up on the guy wire from the light pole in my yard Sunday BEFORE the picnic and tore the HE** outta the side of my per truck....)

Six Flags was something we were throwing out there for something fun to do when it got cooler. But hey we can have a picnic at the park. That sounds fun too. And probably more people could make it to that.
Me and my family have season passes to Six Flags in New Orleans and we will be going several times I am sure. We just love to go in October because it is cooler and they have so much cool stuff for the whole month that is centered around Halloween. The water fountains have red water the whole month and they have all kinds of witches and monsters walking around. They usually have a haunted house too. But we can do Six Flags and a picnic. I love to stay on the go all the time. Just tell me when and where to show up and I will be there with bells on.
I think we should have as many get togethers as we can!! I enjoyed Sunday so much that I would drive twice as far to do it all over again! I don't want to wait until October to see all of you again!! That is too far away! I will be glad to come up at any time and help get everything ready and I would be happy to donate money towards the cause!