Had A Ball
Thanks to everyone who made our picnic Grand. I know I haven't been on alot lately and there is really no excuse except for being tried when I come in lately. Some of you all know how it is when you start using muscles, brain cells and other body parts you haven't used in awhile. It takes some getting use to
To all who played a part in our bash me and my kids surly did enjoy it and thank you very much. Dx. you did a wonderful job on our t-shirt design. I worn mine to work today to show it off. Becky thanks for keeping the cost down on the XXXXXXXL sizes, here it would have been way more expensive
It was nice to put faces to names and I enjoyed meeting everyone and to those I didn't get to meet there I am truly sorry, I tried to get around to meeting everyone. Until next time.
XOXO ((((((HUGGS))))) &
to everyone.

I am so glad you came. Your kids were so adorable and I think they enjoyed the day. Mine was absolutly worn out. Thats good cause so was I and I had to have a nap when I got home.
Your right, it was nice to put names to faces and have real time with each other.
I like the idea of meeting again in October to go to Six FLags. Everyone start saving your pennies now. I will try to get us discounted tickets thru my work.
As far as you being tired--has Janet given you a B12 shot? I sleep ALOT when I dont have mine.
Cant wait to see you soon.