I may back out of surgery
Hello, Is anyone out there tonight?? I am going in tomorrow for all of my pre op stuff, surgery is June 8, that is on Wednesday. I broke down last night and squalled like a baby. Is that normal? Up until that time I was very secure in my decision.
I thought about dying and leaving my children motherless. That really got the tears to flowing. Have I really tried as hard as I could to lose this weight on my own. Should I try to lose it by myself just one more time?? Is this normal?? What is normal?? Please send me a message tonight, I need some insights. I will wait to hear from someone tonight. All responses, positive or negative will be greatly appreciated. If you want to send me a direct email my address is [email protected].
Thanks, Sharon Bates
Everyone has these thoughts, that is perfectly normal. However if you are really unsure that this is what you want to do maybe you do need to postpone it and try it again on your own. This is a very dangerous procedure and anything could happen as with any other major surgery. There are many risks and complications associated with WLS. If you feel that your jitters are just "pre surgery" jitters then only you can make the decision to go through with it. You could always postpone it and get back on the list at a later date, this is a decision that really you need to think long and hard about. I wish you the best of luck. Would I do it again? IN A HEARTBEAT!! I am so much more healthy and happy than I was three months ago. 65 pounds lost in 3 months is unbelievable. You will see results that could take years to achieve by dieting in a few short months with WLS. Like I have said several times in this post already, YOU are the only one that can make this decision!!

I had the same thoughts. Actually I wrote a letter
to my husband, niece and daughter in case something
happened. It was the hardest thing I think I have
ever done. But I knew deep down I was making the
right decision. To able to be here for my kids and
be healthy to enjoy their life. Take a few deep
breathes and try not to dwell on it too hard. It
will be ok. Also pray about it. The Lord will give
you the answer.

Hey Sharon, Yes You are normal, I broke down the day before my pre-op appt and cryed and cryed!! I still have moments ( though they are not long lived), when I'm looking at my kids and Hubby and think what will they do with out me if something happens to me?But i also know that haveing this much excess wt is very unhealhty and i'm very unhappy because of it. My mind is made up and I'm at peace with my decision. And until you are sure maybe , like Rhonda said, put it off. This isn't right for everybody and if you need to think about it some more i know your Dr will understand. If you decied to back out you can still keep coming to the support group meetings and learn more about the surgery and the aftermath. Feel free to call me if ya want to talk, I should be around tomorrow!! LOVE, DAWN
You sound just like me! I was so scared my 7 year old was going to be motherless and I questioned whether or not it was a selfish decision. I felt confident in my surgeon though and I made it thru with flying colors and would have this surgery every year if thats what it took. Your gonna be fine. You will have complete peace about it Weds morning.
just wanted you to know that, along with all the others here, I'm just confirming that you're completely normal and if you DIDN'T have jitters, we'd have to wonder about you
I knew in my heart that I'd be fine, but nonetheless, had doubts till the time they wheeled me into the OR, mainly because of my husband saying to me " you know, I support you, but I still think you could have done it the old-fashioned way".
NOW he's all happy I did it, and he sees that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. If anyone asked me, would I do it again? Yes, I'd do it again, over and over, once a year if I had to, because this is the best thing I've ever done for myself, there's nothing that compares to re-gaining your health, your energy and your LIFE!!
If you have any doubts, postpone, but think of the benefits this will ultimately give you and how many times you've failed with the dieting. It's not that we can't diet.. its the fact we cant keep it OFF!!
I wish you the best and that your decision is based ONLY on how you feel in your heart. You're the only one who can do this.
Good Luck , hang in there !!

VERY, VERY NORMAL!!! Girl, we will love you no matter what you decide, but the fears are very very normal. If you are certain deep down in your heart that you are doing the right thing, then you are.....I wrote my Doc a letter to be given to him after surgery if something went wrong....I told him (this was if I died during or because of the surgery) that I had come to him for a new life and I had one tho it wasn't the one we planned on. I'd be in Heaven living it up alot sooner, but I would be okay and he wasn't to feel bad because it was a NEW life and it would be wonderful. Fortunately, it didn't happen....But I did write letters and plan my funeral before the surgery just to be prepared - My Mother always said, if you are prepared for the worst it won't happen.....And even tho my youngest child is 13 and would have been okay, I hurt thinking of all that I might miss.
Whatever your decision, we've got your back!