Kudos to the Picnic Planners!!

Rhonda, John and I leave the kids with my parents every now and then and come down to the coast to have some fun. We stay overnight sometimes just to get away. Next time we do that I will get in touch with you and we will all have to do something together. John and I would enjoy that. I think we would have a ball.
Sounds great! We have a spare room except during the month of July when my step kids are here, so you guys are welcome to come stay with us. We are 1/4 mile from the back bay casino's and about a mile from the Beau Rivage. We would love to spend more time with you and John. You can even bring the kids one weekend and we can go out on the boat to the islands.
I have to say that i had one of the best times I have ever had in a group in my life. Christine, Missy, Becky, and anyone else that was involved in the planning of this you are tops in my book. I was so glad I got to meet all of the folks that I hadn't met. You all are true inspiration to me to keep losing as fast as i can. I had a blast talking to some of the husbands that I met and to hear how proud of their spouses they are and they all were proud let me tell you.
My daughter and Grandbabies had the most fun. They talked about it all the way home. My daughter said she is now interested in having the surgery at some point. My wife had a blast too she got to catch each and every one of you on the cam corder so there is video of all of you now.
Rhonda we do come to the coast and when I know we are coming down next time I will email you and would love to get together with you and your husband and talk some more.
Thanks again to the planners for the best Bash we could have had. Only some very important Folks were AWOL and hope they can make the next one.
-85 lbs(prolly more after today lol)

i had soooo much fun. I felt like it was my pre- surgery party!! I just wish i could of ate it all look sooooooo good! Girls ya'll done a marvelous job, what an undertaking, I was very impressed!! We must do it again , after i can eat, of course!!
Ditto what Rhonda said about coming to the coast, Call me too!!! Love ya all, DAWN